Irvine gardener, neighbors war over plants

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Hi Jvna,
It is good to hear from you. Today my neighbor removed all 7 trees like he promised. I know i did the right thing to protect my lot line, but i really feel bad how i judged him. The outcome came out to the best case scenario. In a weird way, this could be a start of a good friendship to develop with my new Chinese neighbor. I'll definitely ask him to go breakfast next Saturday.

In terms of my twins.... I still need a lot of advice from you :)

One of our twins is really calm and obedient, but twin #2 in the other, he is something. We had a really close call yesterday where twin #2 was out of our sight for 3 min... and he was about to jump off from the second floor to the first floor. This put a big scare on both Ms. Panda and I.

Jvna, please tell me it gets better after the terrible 2. 

jvna said:
You did the right and diplomat thing, Baby Irvine.  Having the builder put the string for the boundary and having the HOA come out to look at it was right.  Hopefully you took a picture of where the string was before you removed it and documented everything that's happened so you can refer to it in the future if you have to.  You do have the HOA on record (as in written letter or at least email) saying those were not approved trees also, right?

How are the twins?
Panda, stop beating yourself up. How did you "judge" him? (That word is so overused these days. I can't stand it.) You thought he imposed on you and he did. That's not judgement. That's discernment. It's taken care of now. It's all water under the bridge. Not many people I know would invite the guy out for breakfast like you did. Not many I know would be as patient going through each stop methodically like you did do explain things to him further. You've gone out of your way. He's lucky you didn't dig the trees up and throw them in the dumpster or leave them on his doorstep with a nasty note. A lot of people not as good as you would have. Give yourself some credit, Baby Irvine.
SoCal78 said:
Panda, stop beating yourself up. How did you "judge" him? (That word is so overused these days. I can't stand it.) You thought he imposed on you and he did. That's not judgement. That's discernment. It's taken care of now. It's all water under the bridge. Not many people I know would invite the guy out for breakfast like you did. Not many I know would be as patient going through each stop methodically like you did do explain things to him further. You've gone out of your way. He's lucky you didn't dig the trees up and throw them in the dumpster or leave them on his doorstep with a nasty note. A lot of people not as good as you would have. Give yourself some credit, Baby Irvine.

he did suggest the guy had some sort of harem....i think panda is beating himself up over how low he thought of the person and not what he necessarily wrote to us
have you ever been to shanghai?  drivers wont give an inch in the name of face and not showing weakness.  letting a driver in is seen as losing.  i dont think chinese people back down that easily
rkp said:
have you ever been to shanghai?  drivers wont give an inch in the name of face and not showing weakness.  letting a driver in is seen as losing.  i dont think chinese people back down that easily

Most people have balls of steel when they are in a car. That is why you have the soccer Mom driving the full size SUV willing to run you over or push you off the road while flipping you the bird but she will be the nicest most courteous person in the fruits and vegetable isle at the supermarket.
davenlei said:
That is why you have the soccer Mom driving the full size SUV willing to run you over or push you off the road while flipping you the bird but she will be the nicest most courteous person in the fruits and vegetable isle at the supermarket.

Ah, I see we've met.
Baby Irvine said:
In terms of my twins.... I still need a lot of advice from you :)

One of our twins is really calm and obedient, but twin #2 in the other, he is something. We had a really close call yesterday where twin #2 was out of our sight for 3 min... and he was about to jump off from the second floor to the first floor. This put a big scare on both Ms. Panda and I.

Jvna, please tell me it gets better after the terrible 2. 

Funny thing is our boys were great at 2.  This year's been harder.  They'll be 5  next week.  It might be due to our girl that's 2 1/2.  The older boy doesn't get along too well with the girl.  The second boy is much better with the girl.  You just have to learn to adjust with each phase.  With our boys, we have to hold them in front of us and make them repeat what we've just said.  Otherwise, their thoughts are elsewhere.