Irvine Fantasy Real Estate: Feb 5 Village Edition

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I think I better understand the NYC connection a little better now, thank you. No shame in my game as far as the Woodbury/Stonegate discrepancy, I've been living in Irvine since before it was a city so I have no shame with not knowing the specifics of the rivalry between two directly adjacent Irvine Company developments presented to us as "villages" of Irvine. Geographically, and with regard to Irvine 'planning areas' as well as what historically defined an Irvine village, there seems to be little distinction apart from the architecture and the (and this, to me, may change my view) access to amenities. Again, my opinion. As far as "marketing" I have already stated I would quell the use of links, but my phone number is my phone number. If there is a problem with having a phone number on a profile, it's simple enough to remove and I came for the discussion on the board itself more so. I do enough talking on the phone.
And I'm no real techie, but I know the url to my blog doesn't say anything externally about 'irvine housing blog' - though I do tend to organize my blogs based on "housing" "mortgage" or "things to do" distinctions internally. No one is trying to mislead anyone. Perhaps now my signature, devoid of phone number, is sufficiently non-marketing? It should also help end identity concerns as well. Thanks again to those of you who enjoy conversation and discussion and actually offered up an opinion on the listings I shared initially. I don't mind the inquisition it took to get it.
I agree with Zubs. TI needs more voices not less. But I do get concerned when I see some members use the site like Craigs List and not pay to be a site sponsor. The worst offenders are the fake testimonials/advertisements (NOT Value OC's post). That is why I respect USC and IrvineRealtor -- long time posters and they financially support the site.


I appreciate your candid responses and openness to suggestions. It does bring good will and I welcome you to TI.
you have a point there the "melting pot" architecture being all the same and you judged purely by houses alone then I see why you made that union set conclusion between Woodbury Stonegate. I can't tell either because the architecture of the same mold and palette lend virtually no distinction of the caste system. The community features differentiate the classy from the poors.
iacrenter said:
I appreciate your candid responses and openness to suggestions. It does bring good will and I welcome you to TI.

Meh. I was hoping for a little sass.
valueoc said:
I think I better understand the NYC connection a little better now, thank you. No shame in my game as far as the Woodbury/Stonegate discrepancy, I've been living in Irvine since before it was a city so I have no shame with not knowing the specifics of the rivalry between two directly adjacent Irvine Company developments presented to us as "villages" of Irvine. Geographically, and with regard to Irvine 'planning areas' as well as what historically defined an Irvine village, there seems to be little distinction apart from the architecture and the (and this, to me, may change my view) access to amenities. Again, my opinion. As far as "marketing" I have already stated I would quell the use of links, but my phone number is my phone number. If there is a problem with having a phone number on a profile, it's simple enough to remove and I came for the discussion on the board itself more so. I do enough talking on the phone.

Spoken like a true "Chief Negotiator". I like it
Ah, yes, a blog ON MY SITE is about housing in Irvine. Irvine Housing Blog is the name of another site/blog. I can see the opportunity for both confusion and accusation (I never thought I'd have this much fun being accused of wrongdoing or ill will). I am open to suggestions, and not particularly married to any particular name, provided the suggestion makes sense based on the content. What about "Irvine Homes Blog" or "Irvine Real Estate Blog" - I'm not feeling terribly creative right now so this appeal for suggestions is quite legitimate.
LOL! You know, I was thinking I should go for a new title which has humor, apart from my relative lack thereof. Abandoning any hope of a humorous title, my team is leaning toward renaming it the Irvine Home Sales Blog (since, we talk almost about homes sold listed to be sold). Not giving up on a more humorous or tongue in cheek title. I am reminded of the "Irvine: Another Day in Paradox" bumper stickers I think I last saw in the late 80's or early 90's.