New member
First, let me clear up some confusion here. "Cordless" phones and "Wireless" routers <strong>might</strong> interfere with one another, if they were both being used at the same time and were on the same channel within that frequency. But it is highly unlikely that they would effect each other's performance because most electronic companies program to avoid it. Very old cordless phones operated at 2.4 Gigahertz, but typically they defaulted to channel 2, whereas most wireless routers default to channel 6. If you live in a high density area, your chances of interference are higher from other people's wireless routers than your own cordless phone or microwave or cellphone or... you get the point.
It appears that DSL filters will resolve your primary problem, but I would also recommend changing the channel your wireless router uses to something like 11 or 8 or 4, just to prevent any interference from your neighbors. Newer cordless phones now work on 1.9 Ghz and most 802.11
routers broadcast on both 2.4 and 5 Ghz specifically so they can't interfere, even by accident. If your microwave causes interference, throw it out immediately, because the shielding is failing and spraying radio waves around itself every time you use it.
It appears that DSL filters will resolve your primary problem, but I would also recommend changing the channel your wireless router uses to something like 11 or 8 or 4, just to prevent any interference from your neighbors. Newer cordless phones now work on 1.9 Ghz and most 802.11