Inmate riot erupts at two barracks within the James A. Musick facility

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Mety said:
Shhhhhh. They don't know there is a jail in Irvine.  ;D

As I remember it. Belly aka YF and I mentioned the jail situation. We got nothing but denial. Only a few agreed.
I think it will not affect the value of PS, Altair or BR homes in general. People already knew when they bought their homes. If you really love the home, the jail in couple miles won't really be a deal breaker. But if you ask ME, I will not buy a home in those areas unless there is a significant price decline like 50-75% and that is not because of the jail.  ;D

Mety said:
I think it will not affect the value of PS, Altair or BR homes in general. People already knew when they bought their homes. If you really love the home, the jail in couple miles won't really be a deal breaker. But if you ask ME, I will not buy a home in those areas unless there is a significant price decline like 50-75% and that is not because of the jail.  ;D

Forget the value. It?s the peace of mind.
A total deal blocker.

If you watched every episode of Prison Break. Then you might say anything is possible.

A while back didn?t 3 guys escape the jail from Santa Ana and they were caught in Nor Cal? (They escaped from a maximum security wing. Unbelievable! Also, they kidnapped a cab driver to escape. I wouldn?t want to be in the area.) They even took cell phone footage of the escape.
This is a big deal as I was about to put an offer at one of the Altair homes today.  I knew about the facility, but I just didn?t know it was that close to Great Park area.  Thanks for posting this information.
Madness said:
This is a big deal as I was about to put an offer at one of the Altair homes today.  I knew about the facility, but I just didn?t know it was that close to Great Park area.  Thanks for posting this information.

Thanks for sharing. Have a nice ?safe? day.  ;)
Jails are a tough thing to overcome, but I'd rather live closer to a jail than I would a dump. I've not seen recent news on Musick escapes since the County began improving security. In the 90's there were several escapes, but nothing since 2013 that I can find.  If it's 1 escape every 10 years vs a consistent odor and trash truck traffic, I'm buying closer to the jail. That said, Soylent Red might have a differing idea of what's an acceptable level of safety and security so I get others reservations about buying within a few miles of Musick.

In my area we have a youth camp for at risk teens (aka gangbanger wannabes) and they have had a few "walkaways" during my 20 years in this community. It never turned into any issue other than a few helicopters overhead trying to locate the person on the run.

My .02c
eyephone said:
Mety said:
Welcome back, YF!

It?s not him.

Are you sure? If you take a closer look, he's bringing down Altair and GP at the same time in such short statements. Not many can do that. Also he is thanking for the information. YF is all about the information. He gathers them all and present in a way of professionalism.
Technically that jail is equi distant from both Altair/ GP and the tonier spectrum / quail hill / Laguna Altura areas ? so cant just  ding them for it without equally bringing down the rest . And if I am a prisoner trying to escape where do I run to ? The easily traceable grid of a new development or more hilly areas with trees and hiding spots ?
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
Welcome back, YF!

It?s not him.

Are you sure? If you take a closer look, he's bringing down Altair and GP at the same time in such short statements. Not many can do that. Also he is thanking for the information. YF is all about the information. He gathers them all and present in a way of professionalism.

If it was him he would of turned this thread upside down. I mentioned the show prison break but he would of probably mention how to break out of prison from a video on YouTube. (I?m not sure if there is a video I?m making it up) 

[post for entertainment purposes only, this post does not encourage to break out of jail but nearly talks about previous prison breaks]

That sound like an honest post.
fortune11 said:
Technically that jail is equi distant from both Altair/ GP and the tonier spectrum / quail hill / Laguna Altura areas ? so cant just  ding them for it without equally bringing down the rest . And if I am a prisoner trying to escape where do I run to ? The easily traceable grid of a new development or more hilly areas with trees and hiding spots ?

These scenarios have been discussed previously on other threads. IMHO, you?re more likely to have a home invasion/burglary in an Irvine house from people who don?t live in the area than a jail escapee hiding out in your house.
bones said:
fortune11 said:
Technically that jail is equi distant from both Altair/ GP and the tonier spectrum / quail hill / Laguna Altura areas ? so cant just  ding them for it without equally bringing down the rest . And if I am a prisoner trying to escape where do I run to ? The easily traceable grid of a new development or more hilly areas with trees and hiding spots ?

These scenarios have been discussed previously on other threads. IMHO, you?re more likely to have a home invasion/burglary in an Irvine house from people who don?t live in the area than a jail escapee hiding out in your house.

But Irvine is known for its safest and lowest crime rate. How can that be????
Mety said:
bones said:
fortune11 said:
Technically that jail is equi distant from both Altair/ GP and the tonier spectrum / quail hill / Laguna Altura areas ? so cant just  ding them for it without equally bringing down the rest . And if I am a prisoner trying to escape where do I run to ? The easily traceable grid of a new development or more hilly areas with trees and hiding spots ?

These scenarios have been discussed previously on other threads. IMHO, you?re more likely to have a home invasion/burglary in an Irvine house from people who don?t live in the area than a jail escapee hiding out in your house.

But Irvine is known for its safest and lowest crime rate. How can that be????

No idea!!  Like everyone else, I just go by antecdotal evidence on next door. Lots of suspicious cars and people. Lots of potential burglaries. Lots of packages stolen. Lots of ring footage.
bones said:
Mety said:
bones said:
fortune11 said:
Technically that jail is equi distant from both Altair/ GP and the tonier spectrum / quail hill / Laguna Altura areas ? so cant just  ding them for it without equally bringing down the rest . And if I am a prisoner trying to escape where do I run to ? The easily traceable grid of a new development or more hilly areas with trees and hiding spots ?

These scenarios have been discussed previously on other threads. IMHO, you?re more likely to have a home invasion/burglary in an Irvine house from people who don?t live in the area than a jail escapee hiding out in your house.

But Irvine is known for its safest and lowest crime rate. How can that be????

No idea!!  Like everyone else, I just go by antecdotal evidence on next door. Lots of suspicious cars and people. Lots of potential burglaries. Lots of packages stolen. Lots of ring footage.

Is that how it seems in your village? Man, you don't have to tell me where, but that seems like a village I wouldn't wanna live especially with Irvine price.
bones said:
Mety said:
bones said:
fortune11 said:
Technically that jail is equi distant from both Altair/ GP and the tonier spectrum / quail hill / Laguna Altura areas ? so cant just  ding them for it without equally bringing down the rest . And if I am a prisoner trying to escape where do I run to ? The easily traceable grid of a new development or more hilly areas with trees and hiding spots ?

These scenarios have been discussed previously on other threads. IMHO, you?re more likely to have a home invasion/burglary in an Irvine house from people who don?t live in the area than a jail escapee hiding out in your house.

But Irvine is known for its safest and lowest crime rate. How can that be????

No idea!!  Like everyone else, I just go by antecdotal evidence on next door. Lots of suspicious cars and people. Lots of potential burglaries. Lots of packages stolen. Lots of ring footage.

My favorite Nextdoor suspicious person post was of an Asian teenage boy going door to door with somerhing in his hand. Turned out he lived a block away and was raising money for the high school band.
Mety said:
bones said:
Mety said:
bones said:
fortune11 said:
Technically that jail is equi distant from both Altair/ GP and the tonier spectrum / quail hill / Laguna Altura areas ? so cant just  ding them for it without equally bringing down the rest . And if I am a prisoner trying to escape where do I run to ? The easily traceable grid of a new development or more hilly areas with trees and hiding spots ?

These scenarios have been discussed previously on other threads. IMHO, you?re more likely to have a home invasion/burglary in an Irvine house from people who don?t live in the area than a jail escapee hiding out in your house.

But Irvine is known for its safest and lowest crime rate. How can that be????

No idea!!  Like everyone else, I just go by antecdotal evidence on next door. Lots of suspicious cars and people. Lots of potential burglaries. Lots of packages stolen. Lots of ring footage.

Is that how it seems in your village? Man, you don't have to tell me where, but that seems like a village I wouldn't wanna live especially with Irvine price.

It?s not specific to just one Irvine village as next door allows you to share posts across multiple villages.  Not sure how ?real? any of it is but it does seem like next door promotes a lot of hysteria. It seems every ?unusual? car or person that doesn?t quite ?belong? in the neighborhood warrants a post.