<em>"Systemic risk is mitigated when individual firms mitigate their own risks. It is not mitigated when those risks are centralized in a few large firms with a government backup. That creates systemic risk. Decentralization and risk-avoidance mitigate systemic risk. Both of those are encouraged in money, capital, and banking markets not controlled and regulated by the federal government and the FED.
The systemic risk of counterparties and the systemic risk of unknown valuations of assets held by financial firms are no closer to resolution today than a year ago. We now have new and enhanced systemic risks. They include the risk of the FED's balance sheet, currency risk, and government bond default risk. There is actually an enhanced risk of wealth destruction due to the programs being broached by the Obama government that promise a stagnant, over-taxed, and inefficient economy. A drop of stock prices of 75-90 percent is not out of the question."</em> - Michael S. Rozeff, LewRockwell.com