One word. Brutal.
First, it was hot. 113 in the day and no cooler than 95 when we were coming back at 3am every morning.
Second, I played in two tournaments. I finished 130th of 445 at the Monday Cesars NL deepstack event. There went six hours of my life I'll never get back. I had a pot when I woke up with pocket jacks and managed to only lose a small pot vs another player with pocket kings. I cashed in the HORSE event at the Nugget casino out of like 160. That one took 11 1/2 hours. Both tournaments I was eleminated when I made a full house. Somebody else had the overfull every time. I think I counted no less than 5 pots the whole weekend when somebody would catch a 2 outer or better (three of them were one outers) for scoops on me. Somedays it works out that way. I like to think luck breaks even over time, but I should be exceptionally lucky in real life because the longshots always come in on me when I play cards. At least it seems like that this week.
I played 10/20 Omaha 8/b at the Amazon room Sunday night and Monday night for like 11 hours total. I think I got stuck 13 bets, which considiering how bad I ran, was a blessing. My buddy played 20/40 Omaha 8/b and got stuck at the same table as Shannon Elizabeth. She is a decent card player and a decent person. Chris Moneymaker was playing 10/20 at the table behind me. The rumor is he's busto, and I believe it, even though I don't want to. After I noticed him, I immidately saw Johnny Chan come over and talk about something. I saw Chris Furgeson several times, and could almost railbird the $50K HORSE even, which was final tabling about 15 yards from where I was playing.
Phil Ivey had a charity tournament that started at 8pm in the same room as my HORSE touranment at the Nugget. Everybody who wasn't in a tournament in town was there. I mean everybody. Phil Laak and Jennifer Tilly. Howard Letterer. Robert Williamson. Ivey, Daniel Negranu, and my personal hero Mike Matusow were all at the same table. During the rebuy period, they kept moving in and calling each other, only to hold up the dealer and work out the prop bets. One hand Negranu got it in against Matusow with KhJh vs 7h6h. (I'm missing all this because I'm still playing in my tournament. I never once saw Matusow which really sucks because he really is my favorite player). The stop the action for five minutes while they negoiate the prop bets. They wind up swapping hands for the prop (meaning, if Daniel's hand wins, he has to pay Matusow) with Negranu having to fade $10K against Mike who will have to pay $25K to Daniel if his hand holds up. The dealer finally brings out the flop, with a king on the door. Ship ten dimes to Mikey! Mike had a shirt on that read "The Kiddie Game is Down the Street."
Somewhere along the line a pot breaks out with (44) vs (10 10) vs (KK) vs (AA) on a 4-10-K board. Yep, they got it all in. Yep, the aces got there with the oh-so-standard 2 outer on the river. Brutal.
They had a craps table set up and the action was intense. They were really loud. I mean REALLY LOUD. My ears rang for two days because I had my ipod cranked up to try to blot them out. Then, somebody let off $40K worth of fireworks on the roof of the parking garage. I though somebody was coming through the wall with a skip loader.
About then, Phil Ivey (who had been eleminated) came over and offered "Guys, I'm here if you need me and I'm giving lessons." This was super cool of Phil, because we were all in the money by this time (translation: everyone there could play at least a little) and the charity tournament was mostly non poker players (a lot of b list celeberties) and they were having a big party (and were treading more than a little bit on us). Phil starts talking to the guy in the seat next to me (apparently they knew each other from the Borgota) and I get to act on my holecards. I look at them, and yell "Hey PHIL! Hey! I need a lesson! What do you think?" Phil comes back. I show him 7spades2hearts. Phil stops for a second, blinks, says "I think you're on your own on that one" turns on his heel and bails. I fold, and start laughing my ass off. I can't say anything because there's still action. All hell breaks loose when the next three players proceed to get it all in. Now I'm really laughing because two guys go busto in the next hand (AA vs KK vs JJ on a J-8-2 board). I picked the right time to NOT run a bluff. Thanks for the lesson Phil!
I guess any time you can go to Vegas and get a lesson from Phil Ivey it's a good time, but it was a ton of work. Playing tournaments is the hardest thing I can do mentally. I'm usually spent for a couple of days, and this was no exeption.