IHB Meetup - Tuesday June 30th 6:00pm-10:30pm at JT Schmid?s at The District (Tustin)

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1244706600]

What are you going to do when we are faced with Triads in some dark alleys in LA? Are you going to throw some 3 car garages at them hoping that they will go away!! At least with my LV knowledge I can convince the Triads to be entrepreneurial partners.

Triads are easy... in the dark I look like one of them. Or I'll just tell them that you're their great grandpa Mountain Master.


I am saving my special icicle gun for just Irvine. I have no fear and don't hide in Irvine for the rest of my life. I would prefer to have CK around than you because he can save me with his navy seal skills and I can pay him with my Triad special imports.

I would rather have CK around than me too, but that's not the point... don't start making jokes that you can't take yourself. Man up with your own merits... not someone else's.

Flame on!
I really like to meet up.. but like most schedule events.. the baby determines the schedule for now... also I really don't want to run into someone I know, I have a good feeling that I might actually know some of you in person...
[quote author="roundcorners" date=1244940251]I really like to meet up.. but like most schedule events.. the baby determines the schedule for now... also I really don't want to run into someone I know, I have a good feeling that I might actually know some of you in person...</blockquote>
Come on RC, don't be shy.
[quote author="awgee" date=1245841373]Will be out of town, but Graphcakes said he will fill in for me.</blockquote>
Come on, I wanted to buy you a beer while we brainstorm on creating a new real estate agent compensation structure. You will make it to one of these gathers one day, won't you???
[quote author="zovall" date=1246402786]Just a reminder.. hope to see many of you tonight!</blockquote>
I'll be there around 7ish so the smack talk about the trojanman being a post whore needs to stop by then or I might get butt hurt. haha
I've just finished my work day that began at 7:00 am and don't have time or energy to head out to a social event..... I was really hoping to make this one, but it just isn't going to happen. :( Maybe the next one? I pretty much know that everyone who showed up is having a good time and great conversation.
I hope everyone is having fun; or had fun, I would like to catch the next one, but I'm home with the baby alone... the wife had a meeting at church to go to afterall...
I just got done westling the front axle out of my Jeep. I broke a $3 bumpstop that literally means I can't drive the damn thing till I fix it. For the first time since I moved here three years ago, I have a non-operating vehicle torn apart in my driveway, waiting on parts.....

Hope everyone had a good time.
I was sad that you weren't there, no_vas. Maybe next time?

I wanted to say thank you, I had a lovely time and it was wonderful to actually meet up with the people I've been reading about for so long. You're all far more interesting in person, as surprising as that might seem.

Much <3, Cayci. Thanks for making me feel so welcome and comfortable. :)

And Irvine Renter... thanks again for holding down the fort, this lone voice of reason in the metaverse has meant a lot to me over the past couple of years and I've learned SO MUCH from reading it.
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1246568663]Did AZDave make an appearance?</blockquote>

Couldn't make it - was traveling in the Midwest.
[quote author="AZDavidPhx" date=1246579036][quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1246568663]Did AZDave make an appearance?</blockquote>

Couldn't make it - was traveling in the Midwest.</blockquote>

Would like to meet you when you are in town.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1246579507][quote author="AZDavidPhx" date=1246579036][quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1246568663]Did AZDave make an appearance?</blockquote>

Couldn't make it - was traveling in the Midwest.</blockquote>

Would like to meet you when you are in town.</blockquote>

Thank you. If I ever do decide to show up, it will have to be George Bush showing up in Iraq style. Can't give the insurgents the upper-hand. :)
Seriously, at the meetup I heard "so, have you met this AZDavid guy?" in conversations about as often as I used to hear "so, have you met Tenmagnet?" AZDavid is the new hawtness, apparently.