I can't believe I missed this!

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<a href="http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2009/08/good-riddance-ben-stein/">Thank gawd! No more Ben Steinery at the NY Times</a>. No more completely baseless, fact less, and ridiculously fabricated statistics (stats that make 3rd graders wonder WTF does he get his stats from?) from the crowned king of all ass hats during this recession who consistently got it wrong, Ben "Chicken Little" Stein. F that whore! Hopefully other outlets will see what a sham he truly is.

<em>Ginormous money losing tool Ben Stein finally got shit canned by the New York Times.

Too bad it wasn?t for being the ?<a href="http://blogs.reuters.com/felix-salmon/2009/08/07/ben-stein-finally-expelled-from-ny-times/">world?s worst financial columnist</a>.?

The commentary he produced at the Times was amongst the most irresponsible, poorly researched, and just goddammed wrong stuff ever to grace the business pages of the Grey Lady.

<a href="http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2008/01/farewell-to-ben-stein/">As I previously whined 18 months ago</a>, ?we?ve reached the point where Stein?s commentary has become detached from reality, so ridiculously fabricated, that it can no longer be read. Indeed, its become so absurd that not only have I decided to skip reading him, I am immediately making the public commitment to stop commenting on his Tom Foolery.?

The low point of Ben Steinery was his August 12 2007, column, <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/12/business/yourmoney/12every.html?_r=1">Chicken Little?s Brethren, on the Trading Floor</a>. Stein made the absurd argument that because sub-prime was so tiny relative to the US Economy, it was meaningless. Those who followed his advice lost millions.

It is actually kinda sad that rather being being expelled for being a really bad commentator, he was tossed out for being a shameless shill for a sleazy outfit.

Right result, wrong reason.</em>

Such a happy day!
Yup yup, I first heard of this from Eva ;)

<a href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewreply/121304/">http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewreply/121304/</a>