I am going to the OCR to meet w/Matt Padilla. Got questions?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I get real-time quotes from <a href="http://www.tradestation.com/default_2.shtm">Tradestation</a>. It is free if you trade a lot, it is $100 a month if you don't. I can't see why anyone would pay $1,500 to $2,000 a month.
It's more than quotes. You get news instantly like the floor traders do. You can also see in real time how the MBS are trading as well as other securities that I do not think the mainstream trading platforms have. My think or swim account has real time quotes and even a shrunk down version of the newsfeed and it is free. The only reason I want one is if I had one then there would be a good reason that I need one.
He is a bitter renter. I mean he is a reporter after all. He was asking questions on how to get a deal on a foreclosure. I told him to be patient. The deals are coming from a bank liquidation sale near you.
Oh... Now we know why he really wanted to meet with you.

Actually, you should pitch him the idea of coming to a foreclosure auction with you. You could explain the process and point out the regulars and their facial expressions.