Thank you all!!! I'm still very excited. It finally sinked in that we are really engaged. It feels different.'m really going to spend the rest of my life with him.
Here is my moment to remember: He took me to Five Crowns where we spent our 2nd V-day, and I ordered this desert Souffle. On the side, there was a small cup of whipped cream with an Oyster shape chocolate on top. I really wanted to take a picture of me feeding him the Souffle, but couldn't get a shot that I like. While we were trying to ask the manager to take the picture again, he asked me if we should ask the manager to record it. I was like...umm..why not, just for the memory. As the manager was recording, we were like this is our 4th Valentine's day together. Happy Valentine's day and stuff. Then I feeded him the Souffle, and he asked if I want to feed him the chocolate. I was like sure, why not? I was going to feed him the whole thing, but he asked me if I want to open up the shell and feed him. As I open up the oyster chocolate, I saw the ring. Then he got the knees and poped the question. He was sooooooo nervous. He was going to put the ring on my right hand. I really couldn't think at that moment and for like the rest of that night. I cried too......He prepared this whole speech but was too nervous to carry it out.

He is soooooo sweet. He said he had thought of many plans for the proposal, and it took him so long to plan it since "I want it to be so perfect, but nothing is perfect enough for you. " I'm so lucky
As for the date, his dad said definitly next year because of some chinese calender. But I will be so busy with work from Jan through June, and summer wedding are so expensive. So most likely it would be in September. So far away! I only want a small intimate wedding. I really wish I can have it at 7 degrees @ laguna. How much will it cost for only 50 people? Is $10,000 too much?
Here is a picture of the Souffle and the hiding ring.
<img src="" alt="" />