Designed by criminals?for criminals?more Unicorns and Rainbow dreams turn to ashed up nightmares?..
Cryptocurrency's own 'Bernie Madoff'? Inside WILD world of former Disney child star-turned-crypto billionaire who founded controversial Tether coin - which experts have dubbed a 'ponzi scheme' that could bring down the industry once and for all
? As values in cryptocurrency plummeted in cryptocurrency over the last six months, experts fear 'the worst is yet to come' and focus their scrutiny on 'Tether' - a stablecoin that they say can bring the whole system down
? The coin was invented by Brock Pierce, 41, a former Disney child actor turned-crypto-billionaire with a dicey business track record that links him to a Hollywood child sex abuse ring in his early professional years
? Pierce's wide orbit includes Akon the rapper and Trump consigliere, Steve Bannon, with whom he ran an internet gaming business that essentially allowed customers to cheat at video games in the 2010s
? He has also been associated with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, with whom he counseled on cryptocurrency and spoke at a 'Mindshift' conference hosted by Epstein in the Virgin Islands in 2011
? Pierce says he no longer has any affiliation with the controversial Tether coin - which regulators worry is putting investor's money at risk and has been described a 'Ponzi scheme larger than Bernie Madoff'
? Pierce pivoted to politics in 2020 with a failed bid for US President, and recently dropped out of the Vermont Senate race over lingering questions regarding his legal residency in the state
? Today Tether is run by a former plastic surgeon who was once sued by Microsoft for selling counterfeit software and a Dutchman who has never given an interview or spoken publicly