How Much is IHB Worth?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I think I'm going to start the National Association of Blogtors where we train Blogtors™ in the fine art of selling a blog. If you're looking to buy a blog, you know you can trust a Blogtor™ to show you all kinds of blogs that discuss subjects you're not interested in, that have either way too few or way too many subscribers, and are run on software that will require an undisclosed amount of money every year to fix.

Blogtors™ charge a perfectly reasonable 6% for their services.
<p>I'm starting up 1031 seperate BLSes. That's Blog Listing Services. Each will be geared towards a different BS grouping. Each BS, Blog Service, grouping will be unintelligible to the others and cross listing will not be allowed. Strict standards will be enforced unequally and with great prejudice at the whim of the operator.</p>

<p>All information regarding blog listing status, revenue, visitors will be carefully guarded and only available to Dr's certified and licensed Blogtors (TM) on a subscription basis. All information regarding duration, buying agent kickback, err, commission will be strictly confidential.</p>

<p>I'll petition Mozillo to end the torture of downpayments and apply for a 100% option ARM on the $2million of capital I deem necessary to start the operation. Payable to my LLC, BS Enterprises, 101 Nowhere Lane, Grand Cayman.</p>

<p> </p>
<p><strong>$102, 181.74!</strong></p>

<p>This is a WTF price! </p>

I pay $29.95/mo to my ISP to “rent” IHB. Using a GRM of 160 I think IHB is valued at $4,792 max...
Well... Now I know, that when I go to a party and everyone is talking about their blog, how much it is worth, what a great investment it is, and how much it has gone up in value, then it is time to get out of blogging. That will be the time to go back to being a bitter MSM reader.
<p>Can you guys pull some equity out of the blog? I mean a BELOC or 2nd mortgage on your blog. Maybe even one of those fancy reverse blog mortgages. Graphrix, I know there is a nice M6 calling out for you. Beside, you guys need to buy things, it is the American way.</p>

<p>I wish I could afford a blog. I just do not have the income or down payment for one. Maybe I will get one of those blogs in Vietnam or Sudan and flip it for one in Mexico.</p>
Actually... It is too late. IHB got caught up in the blogging frenzy, and we BELOC'd the blog to the hilt. We went out and bought a bunch of investment blogs, dependent on the never ending appreciation of blogs, and no upfront start up costs. And, then we BELOC'd the crap out of them. It started out fine, and we were able to flip some blogs for a nice profit, but we just bought more investment blogs. Now, we are stuck holding the bag in this blogging bubble. We have had some blogs on the market for months, and we have dropped the price every week, but still no bites. Some of the blogs haven't seen any traffic for months, and it is just dead out there in the blogging market. I mean, it is a blogbuyers market, but they are just sitting on the fence waiting for the price of blogs to come down. Bloggage rates are at all time lows, there are plenty of blogs to chose from, so there has never been a better time to buy a blog. These are highly upgraded blogs too, with blogrolls, RSS feeds, google ads, and tip jars. Some even have outside forums to relax in, which is great to have after a hard day of blogging.

We have been able to find some bloggerenters, but all are in negative cash flow. Part of the problem, are these bloggerenters, they are just bitter that they don't have a blog of their own, and never take care of our blogs. We need to sell these blogs quick too, because we got into some low introductory bloggage rates. Now we are faced with a bloggage rate reset, that will increase to three times the current rate. We knew going in, that the low rates would go up, but we thought we could flip the blogs before then. So... now we are hoping that our bloggage holders, Cyberwide Blognancial and New Century Bloggage, will participate in the Bush/Paulson bloggage rate freeze. We were a little worried, when Paulson at first said, that the sub-blog problem was contained to the blogs with inferior content, but we knew this bloggage crunch would, and has, spread throughout the blogosphere. Turns out we were right, and this is a national blog problem. Bernanke has lowered the gigabyte rate five times, and flooded the market with cheap gigs, but it has done nothing for the blogging market. The secondary bloggage market is dead, and no investor wants to touch a blog with a hint of bad content. Thank gawd Senator Dodd cares about bloggers. He has HB706 up for senate approval, and this bill preserves the American dream of bloggership.

We at IHB do not want a taxpayer bailout, but we were never properly disclosed the risks of blogging. We need some sort of help, because we are stuck with a bunch of blogs that continue to depreciate everyday. And, our bloggage broker told us that the low bloggage rates would still be there when they reset. I mean, have you checked it out? You can't get what you could two years ago, and most of bloggage companies are long gone. Even our blog agent said that they had researched it, and that blogging is always a good investment. Now, we are faced with the idea of blogclosure, and we are thinking about just emailing in the logins and passwords.

Man... we should have listened to the MSM, they were talking about the blogging bubble for years now. Damn all those self-serving blogs, cheerleading the blogging market. Sorry, for the rant, but everyone was telling us it was EZMoney in blogging, and the high quality blogs and the coastal blogs would be immune to the blogging bubble. Boy, were they wrong, and this is going to be the worst blogging crash ever.
<p>Only one thing to do when the blogs get low's time for an IPO </p>

<p> Or, at least Fed approval for a Bank of America Online (BAOL) buyout </p>
we're into 5+ yrs of the blogging phenomenon with only an isolated number of blogs getting shut down. whatever blogs are going dark are either getting taken over or there are dozens to take their place. the weak blogs will get flushed out, but then things will stabilize and shoot up.

increasing number of blogging starts - check

readership growing - check

limited number of ip address and urls available - check

cost of high speed bandwidth going down - check

don't listen to these naysayers here who are all about doom and gloom. there is no blogging bubble. these carnival barkers here have a 50% accuracy rate and don't care. they are ruining the lives of other bloggers. i challenged irvine renter to mortal combat, but of course he declined it. then he assaulted me and claimed my house is underwater. HAHAHA what an idiot. i live in woodBURY. there is no water there! he must have thought i lived in woodBRIDGE, but he and IHB don't care about the truth. in fact, i firmly believe they are lying, venomous sociopaths. SOCIOPATH, i say.

<strong>Profile of Sociopath</strong>

socio - sociable, and/or um, fond of soccer.

path - they only follow one path, i.e. closeminded.

see.... they are bad people. SOCIOPATHS. they are so vile and this has created sadness.

[quote author="crucialtaunt" date=1199917967]<p>According to blog value estimator <a href=""></a>, IHB is worth $102,181!

<a href="">How Much Is Your Blog Worth?</a>

<p>Your blog, <a modo="false" href=""></a>, is worth $102,181.74</p>


How Much Is Your Blog Worth?

Your blog,, is worth $32,743.32

OH NO! even virtual real estate is in decline!

does this have to do with site statistics getting rebooted with the upgrade?