You can but here's how it goes down:
Buyer - nice home, I'll take it. ;D
Seller - OK. Here's the $500,000 price PLUS $4,000 for your design center IF you use our in house lender.
IHL - Hi Mr. and Ms. Buyer. Today's rate is 4.750 for 1.0 point ??? :-X
Buyer - AYE CARAMBA! Not only are the design center prices redonkulous, but your rate is terrible. I'm calling someone else.
Other Lender - Hi Mr. and Ms. Buyer. Today's rate is 4.250 for -0- points. ;D
Buyer - I'll tell the IHL about the great deal I'm getting.
IHL - About that earlier quote of ours. Now we're at 4.25%, but I can't match the -0- points. You're getting a $4,000 design center credit which is like getting a 1.0 point credit, isnt' it? :-X
Seller - You're going to use an outside lender? They don't close on time. We don't know if they're any good, you'll have to sign all these waivers, and if you use them we'll yank your $4,000 credit in the design center.
The long and the short of it is this: Yes, you can use another lender. You may have to give up some concessions, most of which were phantom to begin with. Every purchase contract, just like every home that a builder builds, is going to be a bit different than the scenario above, but I'm sure this dialogue will sound pretty familiar with anyone whose purchased new construction recently. In the end, you will likely get a better loan, but the margin between the builders deal and what you can get on the outside once all of the bells and whistles are added up isn't that huge of a difference.
My .02c
Soylent Green Is People