aquabliss said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
Not so much in this case. Owning popped up out of thin air to capture as much of the market as possible before anyone else could.
Not completely out of thin air. According to my owning agent, the company was started by one of the execs at cashcall mortgage, he took the best employees with him and then more over time as business grew.
Their processes and methods are incredibly efficient and streamline. Quick and on target. Others, that I dealt with in the recent are left me with aches and pain and stalling / circling.
Owning's seem to know exactly what they are doing. Makes their money from large volume, high transactions with efficient closing cost. In the end the customer satisfaction is what matters for any business. They aims for those. A winning recipe to me. That would be hard to put them out of business if they continue to perform well.