How do you know if your new home is true to size?!

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I am wondering how do you know the new home you are going to purchase is true to size? As far as I know they only list the unit and the address on the sales contract. They don't provide any official documents with dimension, lot size or actual floor plan listed.  Did you guys ever find out if your home is true to size? Or did you find that out after the escrow? What if your new home's size is 5-10 square feet less than what is claimed? Would they offer you a discount for compensation???

What shall you do in this case or anything you will do before signing the sales contract?? What did the sales person show you guys before you sign the contract? Anyone has any experience or suggestions?

Please advise.
When we went under contract we signed a lot map with the measured dimensions. In additional there was a general info sheet with approx sq ft.

There will probably be variations but 5-10sq ft is nothing to lose sleep over.
I believe that you can check with the city building and permits dept and they can tell you what has been filed for that specific lot. 
You can also get the size info from the appraisal report during the escrow process.

If you are going to have a mortgage, the lender will require  the house to be appraised.  The appraisal report will shown the lot size and the dwelling size measure by the 3rd party , independent appraiser hired by the lender.  Majority of the time the size measured by the appraiser were really close to the measurement builder stated.  Unless the size was off significantly, and in that case, you're probably going to raise hell with your builder before the close of escrow.
My appraiser on my new home measured the house 20 sq ft more than the builder listed.  When I sell, I'm using his measurement for sure.
Thanks all for the comments! Good to know and I hope my house will end up getting 20 more square feet!!! Otherwise I will be really upset.....just kidding..