USCTrojanCPA said:Ready2Downsize said:USCTrojanCPA said:OCtoSV said:USCTrojanCPA said:Liar Loan said:USCTrojanCPA said:What happens if interest rates fall (which will happen when the economy and inflation slow)?
Lower interest rates will stimulate the economy, but I'm not expecting that for awhile. With inflation so high, interest rates are still very much negative, which is fanning the flame of further inflation. The Fed wants the headline inflation number back to 2.5% and that's going to require a lot more tightening.
The Fed can only control the short term of the curve and if it gets too aggressive with the raising the Fed funds rate too high they'll cause longer term rates to fall and the yield curve invert because market participants will start pricing in a recession which is when longer term rates will fall. The more aggressive the Fed gets by increasing rates higher the lower longer term rates will go and the deeper the recession will be, simple economy 101 at work. Longer term interest rates are already down about 30-40bps from the peak a few weeks ago. Unlike your average realtor, I actually have an undergrad econ degree.![]()
Economics is an art, not a science, unlike my computer science degree which trains the brain to operate via raw logic, especially the USC undergrad program where I coded an OS, a compiler and designed and simulated a CPU in a TTL design package, then went into sales. The long end is going to get pummeled by massive open market MBS sales (can't be rolled over as rates are so high refi market is frozen) and lack of Japanese buyers for UST due to rising rates in Japan (finally!)
I'm pretty sure you know 7-8% mortage rates are coming soon, and anyone buying now will face many years of being technically underwater based on purchase price. A responsible agent would be putting that scenario in front of buyers that are emotionally attached to their purchases, especially wives that demand paying $1.6M for a detached condo.
I've been telling all of my buyers for years that if you aren't gonna be living in the home for 5+ years then you shouldn't be purchasing because the near term can be volatile. I'm purchasing a home myself with eyes wide open and plan on living in that home for 10+ years as it is the unicorn that I've been searching for over 2 years for.
I hope u got this one:
Pretty big but when I saw that hit the market, I thought.......... this is a Martin home. lol!
I do like those single level Emerson homes but no, I got this Turtle Rock home....
Congrats Martin. Truly a unicorn home