CalBears96 said:
Liar Loan said:
Chart #1 ~ $510 sq/ft --> $460 sq/ft = 9.8% price drop
Chart #2 ~ $1.35M --> $1.05M = 22.2% price drop
Both of these drops occurred in the 2018-2020 timeframe. Anybody waiting to buy would have saved money on homes price, property tax/mello roos, and interest rates.
How nice of you to pick the absolute peak during 2018 and the absolute bottom during 2020 for comparison. And you accused me of posting misinformation.
Yes, that is typically how downturns are measured. The Great Recession downturn was measured from the peak in 2007 to the low point in 2009 or 2011. IHO/Zubs falsely claimed the GR downturn was only 15-20% (true misinformation), and notice how they avoid that topic like the plague now.
You did post vaccine yes I did accuse you, because you did.
Compressed-Village said:
I find beauty in all of the above, AND my HUUGGE equities, dispite the up and down. Who gives a FUCK if it down for one month. You gotta live longer than that.

ha ha.
You wanted to bet me on future price moves. I challenged you to give it to charity instead. What happened after that? We didn't hear from you?
Here is a re-issue of the challenge: I will match
any amount you give to charity. But please if you're going to brag about your stocks gains, then don't be cheap about it.
irvinehomeowner said:
LL's screen name should be Cherry Picking Loan... since his claims of disproving my assertions are backed by poor data points and fuzzy math.
If he going to say he disproved me without quoting and just using rhetoric like "shattering another frequently believed myth on IT"... I guess I could say this:
There is a reason why he's called "Liar" Loan.
Even USC chimed in to admit that Irvine prices declined. He has vastly more Irvine real estate knowledge than you, so the debate is over.
irvinehomeowner said:
And notice the median price bottom after 2018 were never lower than lowest bottom before 2018... so can we really call them slumps?
Yes, of course we can. Irvine took it in the shorts and you have been obsessed with covering it up ever since.
USCTrojanCPA said:
Not sure where you are getting your numbers, but the peak price per SF was $496/sf in May 2018 and the bottom was $463/sf in Nov 2019 so the decline was 6.7% and the median peak sales price was $890,000 in June 2018 and bottom was $815,000 in Jan. 2020 so the decline was 8.4%. These 2 data points were for ALL Irvine properties, not just SFRs.
My numbers are from the charts you posted in this thread for SFR's. Why did you post those charts, while citing the price declines for ALL properties (which to your credit, you at least admit)?
zubs said:
LL is just trolling you guys. He picked the peak and the trough data pts to see how many people would react.
and is laughing at every serious response.
And yet Irvine went nowhere for three years, while the rest of OC flourished. Real dollars were lost and the pain is obviously bad. Just look at all these responses.