irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
BUT in my opinion, buying with lower than 20% is not a good idea. Having a big chunk of money is the first step. Possibly with 30-40% down payment, then I think the timing doesn't really matter too much. Some people have parents helping, some people just make more money, and whatever, but saving couple years is the most ideal without getting your parents involved. Everyone is different so I can't say what would work best for you though. There are some people who started with the minimum down like 3% or something, but I think that worked better maybe when the homes were like $300k. Now with $800k homes being lower ends (in Irvine), lower down would be too much risk IMHO.
What's the risk?
I'll break it down into 2 extremes:
1. Prices escalate: Your 3% investment now has close to 20% equity in the new value and you can move-up by just selling your house.
2. Prices freefall: You can short sell or foreclose and only lose 3%. Or just hold, as you're not as worried with only 3% of skin in the game.
But either way, if you can afford the monthly at 3% down, you don't have to sell and can just live in your home without having to put too much of your savings into it... for people just starting out, that could help.
I think the risk is more that you're frustrated every month to pay that extreme amount of money especially a lot more than rent with such as 3% down payments start.
Sure, they won't give you loan if you're not qualified, but as you know there are always ways to get around.
Sure, the worst case scenario is that the home forecloses and you only lose 3%, but that's just the money you lost. All the efforts, time, emotion, conflicts, stress, family are the factors you need to count.
But like it worked for you, it could work or help others too. If you're making $300k a year and only have 3% savings to down pay, then yeah, it might fine. But if you're making $300k, why don't you save a year or two and have 20% to start your mortgage first?

Every situation is different so I can't say what's absolutely right in RE. Just sharing my opinion.