Burn That Belly said:This is a problem that rich affluent folks just turned a blind eye, an atrocious act in the name of humanity and God's eyes. It took the power of a Judge to stand up for what's right after having these folks get arrested, charges dropped, and re-arrested again and again, backlogging the court's system. It's a waste of public resources for officers to go out there and arrest these folks who are not even criminal.
It's time that the rich white folks get together, sit down in a Marriott conference room with Hors d'oeuvres served to figure out this problem. The way I see it, if people are spending tens of thousands of dollars just throwing it down the drain in the name of "Mello Roos" without asking for any accountability, then I think these folks can afford to spend a few more bucks to house them in some fine shelters at the Great Park. Let the rich eat this one and the middle class continue to donate to Goodwill.
And let's not get started about why the county officials tried to hide all this money. If I was the Judge, I would have them charged for obstruction.
A lawsuit is just useless. It will shift taxpayers money into the coffers of the lawyers.
This is why I do business (groceries, car shopping, getting gas, restaurants, haircut) outside the city of Irvine. These imbeciles spending tax money like pouring water down the drain.
Cornflakes said:We should plan a rally at OC civic center shaming supervisors for playing such dirty games.
Cornflakes said:We should plan a rally at OC civic center shaming supervisors for playing such dirty games.
If what Spitzer says is true and this is really about commercial development on the site, then the solution is in 5P's court. Retail and offices are not that bad for GP residents unlike a homeless encampment. Remember, even if the homeless encampment can be stopped, the county could continue to propose uses for the site like jail expansion, trash dump, drug rehab center, and other undesirable things the county is responsible for until 5P and the county can agree once and for all on what the site should be.Cornflakes said:We should plan a rally at OC civic center shaming supervisors for playing such dirty games.
Soylent Green Is People said:Any one day demonstration at the County might get some news media... but really... who cares? Perhaps a private sector solution is in order.
A) Create a GoFund Me site for GP homeowners.
2) Obtain home addresses of County Sups.
111) Pay those who prefer to live outdoors to camp in the Sups neighborhood.
Post on CL and offer $50 per day payment to anyone willing to camp in the Sups neighborhood (about the amount of a "vagrancy" ticket....) and you'll see some change in the way this is headed. I'm sure 100 x 50 x 3 or about $15,000 could be rounded up between the 2,500 homes in the GP.
There are other areas the County could relocate people to. Anyone done a search yet on what other County land might be available? (Irvine Park area) That info - plus a $15,000 cash dump - would be IMHO a good start.
My .02c
Compressed-Village said:Cornflakes said:We should plan a rally at OC civic center shaming supervisors for playing such dirty games.
Didn't you stated earlier that you wanted to help out the down and out?
Burn That Belly said:the.irvine said:Embrace yourself for Big selloff in GP and CV![]()
You mean CV(East).
Those "Courtyards" are going to be high valuetargetsinvitations for the homeless... I can already see a few setting up tent with a small bonfire.
Burn That Belly said:akkord said:GP has higher MR and HOA so they spend it towards keeping the rift raft out
Homeless spread out as GP pushes them the other way and let's face it, each street corner can only handle so many beggars
Eastwood and Orchard Hills have higher home prices (wealthier) and lower MR and HOA (more money in their pocket) equates to owners have more money for handouts to the homeless
Homeless find out there are empty homes in Eastwood and Orchard Hills since there are so many FCBs that don't care and they head that way to squat
There goes the neighborhood =D
Wishful thinking. GP's MR and HOA is going to skyrocket if they do exactly as you described. You already know how corrupt HOAs/city council is with money management. "Oh, we need to increase assessments on a yearly basis to counteract the homeless..." followed by property value declines... at that point GP becomes HP (Homeless Park) as you'll have a massive sell-off frenzy. The entire GP vision will go down the toilet. At that point, 5P will consider alternative measures (i.e. sell the land). At which point, TIC and the city will erect some kind of fence.
Don't think the homeless will travel far up into EW, OH, or even PS1. Their meth legs won't get them that far. If you're not already aware of the situation, the homeless at the civic center congregate and concentrate like roaches in that area because they are under protected federal land. Sure, a few will venture out to steal and prostitute their bodies. But traveling 3-5 miles by foot? ... wishful thinking again... I would say 1-2 miles at best.
The first things zombies do is infect surrounding areas. Cadence Park, CVE, Travata, Parasol Park will be ground zero. There is enough HOUSING there for them for many, many years. And I DOUBT these folks are procreating much to start families. Them drugs alone will cause pregnancy complications.
So yes, GP should continue to build as many ____ Parks as they can. These high-MR condos will serve as bait.
It's nice to see GP's vision finally coming to fruition. Bridging both moral and humanitarian obligations for mankind.