Home Valuation Code of Conduct

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


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<a href="http://'http://www.freddiemac.com/singlefamily/home_valuation.html'">Home Valuation Code of Conduct</a>

For those not aware new rules have been implemented starting May 1st that are very beneficial to the consumer but bad for the individual appraiser.

Here are some major points

- Lenders are required to provide the borrower with a copy of each appraisal report a minimum of three days prior to closing, unless the borrower waives this three-day requirement.

- A complete, unaltered copy of the appraisal report must be provided to the borrower.

- The Code prohibits lenders from relying on an appraisal where the broker/agent had a role in selecting, retaining, or compensating the appraiser

- appraiser communication with the loan production staff that relate to or have an impact on valuation are not permitted under the Code

- Freddie Mac will treat breaches of the Code the same as any other breach of a Seller?s representations and warranties. This could include suspension or termination of the lender?s eligibility to sell loans to Freddie Mac if the lender fails to remediate violations.