Got my home security consult done with Irvine PD today, here are some key points:
1) do not leave 2nd story windows open/ajar, many burglars drive around with ladders these days, and your neighbor would think it's just another contractor fixing the house
2) lights lights lights. Especially front door, any side yards and back yard (motion lights)
3) Reinforcing sliding doors/windows: low tech = a stick in the tracks, high tech = installing a custom dead bolt lock in the track, a good majority of break ins are thru the sliding door from the backyard.
4) poor mans security alarm: keep a spare car key fob next to you when you sleep. Hit the panic button to set off the car alarm if you hear a noise downstairs in the middle of the night. Yes not that loud but at least the burglars will hear it
5). Do not leave keys to the house outside (under door mats, rocks, etc). They will find it!
6). Gated communities are a false sense of security, so if you got a lock, use it!
7). Speaking of locks, put one on the electric panel box outside. He was surprised I already have one on there, not many people do.
8 ) Do not put in vacation holds with mail/newspaper. Have neighbor or family member pick up mail/paper/door ads while you're gone.
9). Leave radio on when out (talk radio). My wife then said "just like Home Alone!" Cracked me up
Yes a lot of this I already know, but good to review over and over again. Also went over earthquake safety. Make sure your family members know how to turn off the main gas line. I zip tied a gas wrench to the meter already, find at HD/lowes. Also show main water line to family members so everyone can shut off water if need to. Kitchen is probably worse place to be during earthquake, use cabinet locks to prevent getting stabbed by a wine goblet during the big one.