Hiking Trails in Irvine

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What are some good hiking and running trails in Irvine? I like jogging and hiking but have mainly just run around my neighborhood. I been to Jeffrey Trail already and have checked out Letsgooutside.org but it seems like most of the hikes that they offer are mainly guided by someone and I would have to sign up before. I've also heard of Mountains to the Sea trail but don't know where the start of it is in Irvine. Thank you.
There are hundreds of good trails.  Thankfully, there are several good books (those paper thingeys) describing them.
What are some good hiking trails open during quarantine with convenient parking nearby?

We went to Upper Newport Bay but honestly too crowded for my taste.
Irvine's Shady Canyon Trail and Quail Hill. Easy parking for both at Quail Hill community center.

Trails maintained by OC such as Peter's Canyon have closed the parking lots.
I like hiking or biking top of the world Laguna Beach.
It's a lululemon fashion show on that trail.


20 - 50....no age discrimination here.
