orange_curtain said:BTW. I really appreciated all of your professional photos.
Who me? Why thank you
orange_curtain said:BTW. I really appreciated all of your professional photos.
The California Court Company said:maybe oc_curtain is a TB employee and the people he is accusing are real buyers. #reversepsychology #brilliantstrategytostirthepotandraiseinterest
Laniakea said:Not sure if you guys already know this, but just wanted to share an info i got today that homes in HC will have 5 elevations per community(we know this already) and 5 different color schemes per elevation to avoid cookie cutter exterior look. They said that it would be hard to notice homes with the same exterior (the combination of 5 elevations x 5 different color schemes, which is 1/25) among approx. 130 homes per community?
But unfortunately elevation & color scheme are pre-determined per lot, not customizable.
J Hsu said:eyephone said:Caitlin said:eyephone said:Caitlin said:J Hsu said:Does anyone know if there will be a procedure for visits and crowd control on Saturday and Sunday? I mean thousands of people may show up. Perhaps there will be shuttle service from Irvine Amp? They may want to use a number system like the deli at Gelsons. I suggest serving refreshments. Helps to keep the peace.
I just called the sales office and was told there will be a shuttle service this weekend for the grand opening. Park on Headlands Street near "The Retreat" (aka clubhouse).
Will you be there to meet and greet J Hsu? (Maybe even take a selfie with him) lol
Lol... Hubby wants to attend the grand opening, but I really don't feel like dealing with the traffic or crowds. We shall see...
J Hsu - your dreams may come true.
Lol. That's hilarious.
irvinehomeowner said:Those are not prerequisites to share opinions on TI. In fact, the majority of people who buy homes have none of that experience.Tyler Durden said:Grayston, ignore some of the clowns on here... there are many folks who are actually looking to share information and experience. However, these folks are crowded out by the "internet experts" with hundreds or thousands of posts spewing bile about topics they are ignorant about. None of these "experts" have backgrounds in RE development, finance, residential or commercial construction or space planning.
And just because someone may have that background, does not make that person infallible. IrvineRenter, Larry, who used to write for the IHB has not been entirely accurate in his opinions, even when be backed them with data.
How ironic. If I recall correctly, isn't Tylder Durden the same member who threatened to fight another member (who he thought was female) in a parking lot?As rkp noted - this level of vitriol is excessive. However it is par for the course on this site. You probably can ascertain that their extreme level of hatred stems from the fact they cannot afford any of these homes.
1. I don't think I spoke to the value of LA, just my opinion of the area (which I still don't like). But I will admit that I did not expect that type of appreciation (as others did not).Tyler Durden said:irvinehomeowner said:Those are not prerequisites to share opinions on TI. In fact, the majority of people who buy homes have none of that experience.Tyler Durden said:Grayston, ignore some of the clowns on here... there are many folks who are actually looking to share information and experience. However, these folks are crowded out by the "internet experts" with hundreds or thousands of posts spewing bile about topics they are ignorant about. None of these "experts" have backgrounds in RE development, finance, residential or commercial construction or space planning.
And just because someone may have that background, does not make that person infallible. IrvineRenter, Larry, who used to write for the IHB has not been entirely accurate in his opinions, even when be backed them with data.
How ironic. If I recall correctly, isn't Tylder Durden the same member who threatened to fight another member (who he thought was female) in a parking lot?As rkp noted - this level of vitriol is excessive. However it is par for the course on this site. You probably can ascertain that their extreme level of hatred stems from the fact they cannot afford any of these homes.
Good - the comment found one of the people it was intended for. Considering your atrocious record for prognostication - you should avoid commenting on things out of your depth. You went out of your way posting negative comments about Laguna Altura, yet here it is 3 years later and the homes have almost doubled in value over their initial purchase prices. Ironic that IHO, veteran of Irvine housing, failed so spectacularly in timing the market.
Considering the volume of posts you have accumulated on this site over the years (14,000+), even the slowest of people might have picked up a few ideas on how to make money in RE. If you are going to try to influence others with your opinions and advice, you would need to pick up a few finance and economics books and learn about how markets work. Otherwise your .02 is really worth .00
As to your second point - it was you that I challenged to meet me. You conveniently forgot to mention your fear to make that happen. But that was before I outed you as a unrepentant liar. Based on your penchant for habitually lying to everyone about even the most trivial details about yourself - you have no credibility left.
Who can trust you to tell them anything in good faith, when you go out of your way to lie about simple things?
test said:TIC needs to step up their game
The California Court Company said:for us lookie loos, or the 99%er.
"homeshoppers will enjoy a cappuccino and espresso bar with baristas and an elegant coffee cart accompanied by a bruschetta bar, assorted mini pastries, desserts and activities for the kids."
Soylent Green Is People said:Everyone got burnt out on the off topic sniper attacks and are conversing elsewhere (as per person not affiliated with the builder but interested party at HC)
My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:Everyone got burnt out on the off topic sniper attacks and are conversing elsewhere (as per person not affiliated with the builder but interested party at HC)
My .02c
Grayston said:Soylent Green Is People said:Everyone got burnt out on the off topic sniper attacks and are conversing elsewhere (as per person not affiliated with the builder but interested party at HC)
My .02c
Agreed, the drama here was way too much. Most of us buyers and interested HC parties just started to PM instead....a way more healthy and lively discussion there than the jabs and insults we're subject to on the public thread. So if there are actual buyers or those thinking about buying who want to discuss options, lenders, pricing, just PM us. The straw that broke the camels back for me was when orange_curtain called me out for recognizing the chandeliers in the models, as if that is an indicator of a Toll employee. It's too bad, since I saw from another thread that you are also a buyer of a new 5,000 sf home, you could really help recommend to us who haven't gone through that building process yet of contractors, things to watch out for, etc.