<blockquote>spanish style or mediterraniean homes with a nice size lot and a great school system</blockquote>
Below you can view some Spanish style homes large lots in Fullerton. None of the homes are for sale at the moment but the neighborhood does fit the your criteria: Spanish, unique, large lots, and great schools.
<a href="http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/birds-eye-view-map/25121914_zpid/#street-view">Zestimate $849,000, 2,292 sqft, Lot 17,380 sqft</a>
<a href="http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/birds-eye-view-map/25121837_zpid/#street-view">Zestimate: $968,000, 4,143 sq ft, Lot 12480 sqft</a>
]<a href="http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/birds-eye-view-map/25121851_zpid/#street-view">Zesitmate: $521,000, 1726 sqft, Lot 9,600 sqft</a>
<a href="http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/birds-eye-view-map/25350678_zpid/#street-view">Personal Favorite</a>
This one sold in June of 2008 for $825,000, not sure if it is 2600 or 2800 sq ft
<img src="http://images1.zillow.com/is/image/i0/i0/i247/ISyyfna7cjvijn.jpg?op_sharpen=1&qlt=90&size=330,225" alt="" />