HELP - RE: Capella Orchard Hills

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
What has become of this thread I started?

I think I need to send hubby over to it to enjoy some of these posts  ;)
Btw I think most guys like a girl with some balls and a whip
Paris167 said:
What has become of this thread I started?

I think I need to send hubby over to it to enjoy some of these posts  ;)
Btw I think most guys like a girl with some balls and a whip
Uh-we don't like girls with "balls"
Paris167 said:
What has become of this thread I started?

I think I need to send hubby over to it to enjoy some of these posts  ;)
Btw I think most guys like a girl with some balls and a whip


Btw I think most guys like a girl with some balls and a whip.

I shudder to think of the images you'd get in response!
thatOSguy said:
Paris167 said:
What has become of this thread I started?

Recapping, you've learned at least four things:

1) Debating villages is the raison d'?tre for TI.
2) Threads get hijacked. It's a rite of passage for every TI thread.
3) Half-baked logic might work over cocktails but gets bitch slapped here.
4) Don't get personal, lest you are comfy getting it right back.

1-2- Agreed-- btw, using french on a message board for no good reason screams "Know it All" Category.

3.  Just because you disagree does not mean something is "half baked" and just saying "nuh-uh" over and over does not constitute gettting "bitch slapped." But there's something to aspire to. #completearrogance

eyephone said:
Paris167 said:
What has become of this thread I started?

I think I need to send hubby over to it to enjoy some of these posts  ;)
Btw I think most guys like a girl with some balls and a whip
Uh-we don't like girls with "balls"

i think you meant "girls" with balls. but still dont like those either.
WTTCMN said:
thatOSguy said:
Paris167 said:
What has become of this thread I started?

Hijacking is a rite of passage for every TI thread.

Oh come on.  Your original post was much more #knowitall-y.  Shoulda kept it.  #havetoliveuptoyourownhashtag

Oh sorry-- responded too quickly.
Btw, I'm dating myself, but clue me in on the hashtag on a message board thing. #dontgetit.
WTTCMN said:
O Hills said:
WTTCMN said:
thatOSguy said:
Paris167 said:
What has become of this thread I started?

Hijacking is a rite of passage for every TI thread.

Oh come on.  Your original post was much more #knowitall-y.  Shoulda kept it.  #havetoliveuptoyourownhashtag

Oh sorry-- responded too quickly.
Btw, I'm dating myself, but clue me in on the hashtag on a message board thing. #dontgetit.

There's nothing to get.  It's definitely lame which is why I do it ;)
To be honest, the forum gets stale when we're all answering the SAME design center questions, etc, etc over and over again.  Not that it's the new home buying ppl's fault.  I think it's just the nature of this forum.  It's hard to search.  There's too much garbage in every thread.  So we have to rehash every time a new community opens up.  #dothefans #dothecans

As long as you're not working it into conversations, you're good.  ;)

I get that the discussion gets stale, but you can do an original topic, like "my village is way better than yours." 

thatOSguy said:
O Hills said:
3.  Just because you disagree does not mean something is "half baked" and just saying "nuh-uh" over and over does not constitute gettting "bitch slapped." But there's something to aspire to. #completearrogance

I think the "I'm buying in OH because NP is too expensive" logic was sufficiently bitch slapped by the entire board. That was the very definition of half-baked.

Sure, if anyone had said that, they might have been off-base.
If restating something said in an extreme way makes you feel you have the better argument, then please feel very good about he bitch-slapping you so mercilessly laid down. 

Otherwise, come up with another example of your bitch-slapping prowess, but try something that actually happened.
Hi Paris

If this Board convinces you to give up Capella just let me know.  I will buy that Plan 1 from You.  I am kind of regretting not going for it.  Looks like you have enough money to buy Saviero, the max I can do is Capella :-[