No, I am not aware of any racist undertones. You misunderstand what I am trying to say. Or maybe it is me that is not being clear.
As I wrote I have travelled to more than 50 countries, many in Asia. I have even lived in Japan for a year. I have absolutely nothing against Asians.
The main reason for us to take this year in the US is the language. Coming from a small country with a minor language, English is becoming increasingly important. When my kids move on to study in a university, most books are in English. When they are going to get a job, it is very likely that they will have to communicate in English. Or they might study or work abroad. Giving my kids a year in a US school and a US community will make them fluent in English (they are already quite good). With this being the main goal I would like to avoid sending them to a school where most students are newly immigrants too, having English as their second language.
My impression after reading on this forum and elsewhere was that most of the Asians in the area came here recently. That they are not fluent in English, that they speak Korean/Chineese etc at home, with their friends and at the neighbourhood barbecue. So if my wife took my youngest kid to the park, and all the others parents there talked everything but english, we would have missed out on our goal.
This has nothing to do with race. If there were an area where most people had German or French as their main language, I would not have moved there either.
I don not care about race, sex or religion. As long as the neighbourhood consider themselves as Americans, and they are fluent in English, it would be a good choice. If I have misunderstood what the Asian community in Irvine is like, then great! Looks like a fantastic place to live
I have travelled all over USA. The diversity is something that i really appreciate about this country. Americans to me are not Texan hillbillies with NRA bumper stickers. Well, that too. But not only that

California is my favourite state, much because of the diversity here. But at the same time I would like to live in a English speaking neighbourhood for the one year I am here with my family.
I really hope that my neighbours, where ever we will end up, comes from all over the world inviting us to Tandoori Barbeque and other exotic delights