<p>Tho I am fully aware that legal doesn't mean ethical, the 2 should at least be within shouting distance of each other.</p>
<p>As my grandparents used to say, put your money where your mouth is, that is to say, if you want to take the position IN PRINT that somebody else is doing something very wrong, you should not take part in it.</p>
<p>This is simple, this is naive, this makes me look a little stupid. And I want to stay that way.</p>
<p>I try never to invest in something that I do not understand. I am aware that I probably don't understand most things about what's going on with the companies I have some partial understanding of, while I'm in the mkt (and now I'm nearly out.) I do think that the rough overall trend is upward. So, for most of my life, I've bet on that, and I've not gotten rich, but done reasonably ok.</p>
<p>but that can change. Anybody who has studied history knows that empires fall.</p>
<p>When the big guns are repeatedly and continuously doing evil, for a very long period of time the damage done to the whole of society can be immense, and occasionally fatal. That is what is happening now. Making money is fine, I really like money, but making it any way you can is not fine.</p>
<p>Somebody on some post used the words "fin de siecle", in the sense of the 1890s decadence.</p>
<p>We are at the end of that now, and I hope we will come out reasonably ok on the other side. I think that the diamond covered skull that was sold to some idiot is sort of symbolic of that decadence.</p>
<p>That being said, awgee, I certainly agree that shorting GS is a stupid thing to do. Because they will do ANYTHING to win. And they are powerful. I have no desire to commit financial suicide.</p>
<p>As a result of what they've done (as well as other companies of course), much suffering will result. Losing a house is a stress similar to losing a spouse or child. It makes you sick. Some unknowable number of people will become sick as a result of this. Some equally unknowable number of those people will die earlier than they would have. And no one at GS will have a single pang of conscience about this.</p>