[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1221799776][quote author="awgee" date=1221798427]
Hint: Wayne Angell, former federal reserve governor said today on CNBC, "The Federal Reserve has an infinite balance sheet."</blockquote>
They better build some more printing presses because they'll have to be working overtime. If they end up buying that garbage at anything more than 20-25 cents on the dollar I'll be pissed. I still don't see how this will solve the foreclosure item. Banks got greedy and got burned so they need some time to lick their wounds before they get greedy again.</blockquote>
usc, you must have missed Schumer, Clinton, and Volcker all advocating different parts of the <strong>Renewed Deal?</strong>: Volcker <a href="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122161086005145779.html">asks for a new RTC</a>, Clinton <a href="http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=afIu492CyWMw">asks for a new Home Owner's Loan Corp</a>, and Schumer <a href="http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=afIu492CyWMw">want an equity stake in every company in trouble</a>. Combined, this <strong>Renewed Deal?</strong> will not only keep banks and investment firms from having to eat bad investments, it will allow politicians to 'adjust' mortgages until people can afford the house where they currently reside, and put the Feds on the board of any company requesting any money from the government. Then they can sit back and claim they "fixed" things while collecting the vote of everyone they 'helped'. Of course, the 'help' will require a small tax increase to pay for it all, but at least we'll have government oversight of every last decision made in America.