[quote author="PANDA" date=1253587077]
Totally Agree! What would be really cool is to have one boy twin and one girl twin. That way you can see a male resemblance of yourself and a female resemblance of yourself all at the same time.</blockquote>
Twin frequency can be as high as 10% in some population. In Africa, for example, where one of these population groups exists, one or more of the birth is often killed as soon as the delivery is finished due to connotation with the devil. There is one fertility doctor that are doing commerical in asian tv and he is showing many of his successful patients having multiply births. Other than that, multiple birth is pretty rare, relatively speaking for all east asian population.
Now, as to the twin girl/boy, they are three cases if I can name them all. 1, single egg splited into two, different sperm. 2, different egg, different sperm, and 3, egg fertilized with one sperm, split into two, and dispite having the same gene (XX, XY, or XXY), one developed into a male, while the other developed into a female. The first two types usually look very different. Is the rare identical twin described in the last type what you have in mind?
If I want to see a different version of myself, I will just dress up differently.