It's a very strange lot. It's adjacent to the property line, and you're basically rubbing elbows with the 4 story condos/apartments being built on TIC land just over the metal fence. It's also adjacent to the walking path, and the property wall does not extend the full property line. Basically, you're at an angle facing AWAY from the rest of PP, and it seems a bit awkward. The land areas are nice though, you get an extended side yard, a nice setback in the rear yard, and a very long driveway. The elevation is a "craftsman", which makes it look like a mountain cabin.
Not sure which of these aspects are turning off potential buyers, but every time I've driven past the lot (which has been more than a few times), I never got a really good feeling from it. I'm sure there are some serious feng shui violations going on in that lot... ;D