yaliu07 said:
i probably will vote for Nirav Shah because he puts in more effort
- longest resume. he has to change to smaller font to fit in one page
- open house to meet w/ voter and have face-to-face conversation
- posters/signs on the street "Vote for Nirav Shah"
and best reason for me is "cemetery is on his mind".
1. longest resume doesn't necessarily equal the best candidate.
2. while I appreciate the open house @ his own home, I think they should just do a meet & greet at the terrace with all the candidates. This is a volunteer position. I don't expect all the candidates to open up their house to 700 homeowners - that's ridiculous. Plus one meet & greet is probably more efficient for everyone.
3. Those posters don't do anything except promote name recognition. I saw one yesterday at the park near the roundabout. It's not there anymore. I wonder if someone asked him to take it down b/c it is an eyesore.