Great Park Development

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
test said:
irvinehomeowner said:
So we know what 5 Points plans to do but what is the in-place plan?

Instead of 4600 homes what does the GP get? Industrial buildings?

So the question is, would you rather have a swath of industrial or residential?  It seems to me having residential is better for the people already living in Irvine.  In that case the council should approve the rezoning regardless of the park. 
That's what I'm wondering.

The place where they plan to build 4600 homes, is that controlled by 5 Points? Or can Irvine decide what goes there and who builds there?

And having that land earmarked for business isn't necessarily bad is it? Doesn't it mean more jobs in Irvine?

Why can't there be a plan that has businesses that move into the area help fund the Great Park?

Didn't 5P go into this knowing it would only be 5000 homes? Or did they plan all along to backdoor the 4600 extra homes in using the Great Park as an excuse? I smell shenanigans and I think the city council should analyze this more. And what about this "taxing" the few to benefit the whole?

"The Orange County Great Park -- paid for by 4600 homeowners"

irvinehomeowner said:
And what about this "taxing" the few to benefit the whole?

"The Orange County Great Park -- paid for by 4600 homeowners"

Dude - the federal government  and states operate this way, this is nothing new.
The California Court Company said:

There is no funding to build the Great Park that was once envisioned.
Nobody says anything about the old plan. It's dead. However, 68+ fields and private golf club is a terrible solution, wasting money and land. I guess I was very clear on the approach. 5P may want to come up with a better proposal. If not, there are other builders on the market that may want to build a better park in exchange of the right to build houses around it.

The California Court Company said:
You should blame Larry Agran for pocketing 200 million and Governor Brown for dissolving the re-development agency. Would you care to share where is the money going to come from to build your version of the park?
Can't blame Brown for his approach to live within the means.
The California Court Company said:
The city may lose Broadcom to Tustin if Great Park is not being developed in time when their lease is up with The Irvine Company; do you really want to risk losing one of the city's biggest employer?
Please, read my point above. Old design doesn't have enough funding. However, one big private sports arena is not a solution. Well, it's a favorable plan for 5P, since it's cheap, but they can definitely can and should do something better than that.
test said:
So the question is, would you rather have a swath of industrial or residential?  It seems to me having residential is better for the people already living in Irvine.  In that case the council should approve the rezoning regardless of the park.
It's called FUD. There are no plans to do any industrial construction in there if 5P backs off.
Two golf courses, one for the 1% and one for the common folk along with an awesome water park would be appreciated.  I will financially support the development of these by purchasing my season pass prior to the build date as well as loading up $100 on my range key for the golf course. 

Do you have any realistic counter-proposal then? what other revenue generation venues would work for "you"?  Remember time is running out, and given the land was sold to 5 Point, there is really no other choices.

The California Court Company said:

Do you have any realistic counter-proposal then? what other revenue generation venues would work for "you"?  Remember time is running out, and given the land was sold to 5 Point, there is really no other choices.
I like when folks keep saying "there is no other choice", "it's the only option". Did you actually check ANY option? Did you try and get other builders' proposals? Or did you simply go with 5P offer, because .... We all know what drives 3 of 5 city council members when they vote for the golf club. If you want to get a fair price, you don't go with the first offer that someone pulled out of the hat. 

The reason 5P wants to build a cheap park (as well as to put the new High School on the site A) is crystal clear. They want to see the houses there at a premium price, not at a discounted one. So, I fully understand what drives them. On the other side the city council members aye-ing on that do not serve the community they were elected by.
It's a nice psychological analysis, but .... it's not about me. All I was trying to do is to check if charged politicians in this city have any interest in the voters' opinions. Apparently, they are not very interested, until it's a week before the election.  Did I expect opposite? Yes, I did. Should have I expected it? Probably not.
I like the idea of making it like Balboa park. Museums, a Zoo? botanical gardens, small parks everywhere (no sports fields) - have it near a lot of housing and have it walking distance to a walkable downtown shopping area.

They'll never do it of course...

This was the plan for the Great Park, and it was moving forward in that direction. However, a new city council majority was voted in last November, and the majority never liked the direction that the previous Irvine city council majority was taking the Great Park. This new majority started making changes to the direction that the Great Park would take soon after they were elected. So this plan with the beefed-up sports park and golf course is the plan from the new city council majority that took office in November. Elections do make a difference. If you are not happy with what you are seeing, make it known with your vote in next city council election. And in the meantime, let the council members who voted for this new direction for the Great Park know what you think about their choice for the Great Park.
Shea, Choi and Lalloway were very stubborn on idea of converting the GP project into another golf club with a bunch of sports fields around it. They didn't want to consider any opposition to this plan and were clearly irritated by any publich opinion not supporting their views.
While they will be featuring it as a successful GP development, make no mistake - the new project has nothing to do with the word Great. I would rather call it a Terrible one. It's a huge win for Five Point, but a huge loss for the city. Sometimes, I am curious whose interests the said councilmembers and the Mayor represent?
I think what will be useful if Great Park has part of the land cater to special need population - high to moderate functioning Autistic population that need housing that lead toward their independence.  Do you guys know that 1 in 88 children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network? That's a huge part of the population that will need support when they graduate from high school and need transitional support and housing. There will be a need to have centers that offers counseling for social and job training, colleges that specialize in transitioning from high school to vocational jobs / higher education, office for professional that offer therapy and support for autistic people as well recreational centers that offer social support and activities beyond high school as well as housing that's within walking distance to these support sites. Why not build these and have regular park within Great Park too so that it benefit all, not just normally developed orange county residence?
patiently88 said:
I think what will be useful if Great Park has part of the land cater to special need population - high to moderate functioning Autistic population that need housing that lead toward their independence.  Do you guys know that 1 in 88 children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network? That's a huge part of the population that will need support when they graduate from high school and need transitional support and housing. There will be a need to have centers that offers counseling for social and job training, colleges that specialize in transitioning from high school to vocational jobs / higher education, office for professional that offer therapy and support for autistic people as well recreational centers that offer social support and activities beyond high school as well as housing that's within walking distance to these support sites. Why not build these and have regular park within Great Park too so that it benefit all, not just normally developed orange county residence?
It is too bad funding for these support programs get cut in downturns. How best to do I don't know but it makes us stronger community when we support basic need of all populations.
You are obviously not in tune of Irvine's politic and business plan. Irvine is no place for charity or philanthropy cause. A secret van drive by to pick up the abnormal people, homeless and beggars and drop them off in Santa Ana.

patiently88 said:
I think what will be useful if Great Park has part of the land cater to special need population - high to moderate functioning Autistic population that need housing that lead toward their independence.  Do you guys know that 1 in 88 children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network? That's a huge part of the population that will need support when they graduate from high school and need transitional support and housing. There will be a need to have centers that offers counseling for social and job training, colleges that specialize in transitioning from high school to vocational jobs / higher education, office for professional that offer therapy and support for autistic people as well recreational centers that offer social support and activities beyond high school as well as housing that's within walking distance to these support sites. Why not build these and have regular park within Great Park too so that it benefit all, not just normally developed orange county residence?
I heard autism is caused by:
1. air pollution
2. old fathers (41+ year old father sperm has a higher chance of autism)
