Gondola Cruise in Newport Harbor

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Has anyone here ever done the gondola cruise in Newport? I would love some feedback. Loved it / hated it? Which package have you tried? (Can y'all keep a secret? ;-) ) I am thinking of making some covert plans for my upcoming 10th (gulp!) wedding anniversary. I have seen it on television shows several times and it looks fun but never tried it. Here is their site: <a href="http://www.gondola.com/Home.asp">gondola.com</a>

<a href="http://www.gondola.com/Services.asp">Services w/ Prices</a>

<img src="http://www.gondola.com/images/NewportBeach.jpg" alt="" />
I did the Long Beach one about... ugh... 13 years ago. It was fun. I was also told the LB one is better since it goes under several bridges, like you would in Italy. If I were to do it again, I think I would make the trip to LB because Newport doesn't seem as cozy IMO.
[quote author="graphrix" date=1255482377]I did the Long Beach one about... ugh... 13 years ago. It was fun. I was also told the LB one is better since it goes under several bridges, like you would in Italy. If I were to do it again, I think I would make the trip to LB because Newport doesn't seem as cozy IMO.</blockquote>

Yeah, the idea of floating around people's private boats / peeping in their house windows doesn't sound as cozy as bridges and what-not to me. :cheese:
<a href="http://www.villanovarestaurant.com/">Villa Nova</a> has a <a href="http://www.villanovarestaurant.com/images/gondolaMenu.pdf">Gondola Cruise/Dinner Package</a>. I've only been to the restaurant once (haven't done the gondola cruise) and we enjoyed it. Just another option ;)
If you hit up the one in Naples, <a href="http://www.ocweekly.com/2009-10-15/food/fora-naples-long-beach?src=newsletter">here is a recent review for an eatery in the same area.</a>
Although it's something that I have wanted to do, we have not been on a gondola ride yet. We have rented the motorized (Duffy?) boats in the Huntington Harbor/Sunset Beach areas. We pack wine, cheese and bread and motor around to look at the houses.