
Do you believe in God?

  • Yes, I am Christian

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Yes, I am a non-Christian

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • Yes, but I am non-religious

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • No, but I believe in a higher power

    Votes: 8 16.0%
  • No, not at all

    Votes: 16 32.0%

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eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
You can talk about it. But to live by it is another thing. For example, To let people clearly discriminate other people based or race and sexuality on TI and not saying anything. (passive Christian, turning your back)
But I?m not surprised anybody can copy and paste lines.

Panda said:
Haha.. I have no idea what Disney character North Korea is.

If Mety evangelizes like he does and I continue to design for the lord, we are going to have Irvine locked down with the good word. :)

irvinehomeowner said:
@Panda: I think you do a pretty good job at spreading the good word too.

So if South Korea is Cinderella, who is North Korea? :)

You still seem to be the only one who think other members are promoting discrimination. In fact, you are doing that yourself every time you call other members "fat'" (which you have done numerous times now). I asked you before why you are discriminating against people who are weight challenged.

Discrimination is not just about race or sexuality.

1. How is it discrimination when it?s true? (If it?s not true let me know, but the previous posted by ___ previously mentioned that. So if I bring it up it?s a big deal? Double standard. Lol)

I'm going to attempt to point out the difference but not sure if it will take.

It's discrimination when you insult someone about it, make fun of them, treat them differently, or even assume someone is overweight when you have no idea who they are.

So if a person is of a certain race and you insult them for being that race, it's not discrimination because it's true that they are that race? That's not how it works.

2. Is it bad to tell someone to excercise?

I've asked this from you before and you didn't answer. Do you know overweight people personally? In your family? Do you tell them to exercise every time you see them?

3. By me saying all this sweet talk is making me sick is offensive?

Who are you referring to?

Thanks for the reminder. I am going to create a topic about overweight/obese in America. I will use stats provided by CDC. In general, how do you feel about the report by the CDC relating to overweight? (Should they have the report, too much info, too offensive?)
Make better choices and eat better.

Reporting on obesity is different than calling several members on this forum "fat". If you don't understand the difference, than that's probably the root of all your misunderstandings on what's going on in TI.

Would the Good Samaritan look at an overweight person and tell them "You're fat, go run around!"? Or call their neighbor a "B" word and to get out of town?

Maybe one day you will look back on your derogatory posts and realize that the anger just wasn't worth it.
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
You can talk about it. But to live by it is another thing. For example, To let people clearly discriminate other people based or race and sexuality on TI and not saying anything. (passive Christian, turning your back)
But I?m not surprised anybody can copy and paste lines.

Panda said:
Haha.. I have no idea what Disney character North Korea is.

If Mety evangelizes like he does and I continue to design for the lord, we are going to have Irvine locked down with the good word. :)

irvinehomeowner said:
@Panda: I think you do a pretty good job at spreading the good word too.

So if South Korea is Cinderella, who is North Korea? :)

You still seem to be the only one who think other members are promoting discrimination. In fact, you are doing that yourself every time you call other members "fat'" (which you have done numerous times now). I asked you before why you are discriminating against people who are weight challenged.

Discrimination is not just about race or sexuality.

1. How is it discrimination when it?s true? (If it?s not true let me know, but the previous posted by ___ previously mentioned that. So if I bring it up it?s a big deal? Double standard. Lol)

I'm going to attempt to point out the difference but not sure if it will take.

It's discrimination when you insult someone about it, make fun of them, treat them differently, or even assume someone is overweight when you have no idea who they are.

So if a person is of a certain race and you insult them for being that race, it's not discrimination because it's true that they are that race? That's not how it works.

2. Is it bad to tell someone to excercise?

I've asked this from you before and you didn't answer. Do you know overweight people personally? In your family? Do you tell them to exercise every time you see them?

3. By me saying all this sweet talk is making me sick is offensive?

Who are you referring to?

Thanks for the reminder. I am going to create a topic about overweight/obese in America. I will use stats provided by CDC. In general, how do you feel about the report by the CDC relating to overweight? (Should they have the report, too much info, too offensive?)
Make better choices and eat better.

Reporting on obesity is different than calling several members on this forum "fat". If you don't understand the difference, than that's probably the root of all your misunderstandings on what's going on in TI.

Would the Good Samaritan look at an overweight person and tell them "You're fat, go run around!"? Or call their neighbor a "B" word and to get out of town?

Maybe one day you will look back on your derogatory posts and realize that the anger just wasn't worth it.

The way I found out about your situation was reading the TI forum. That member mentioned it several times. Come to think of it. I think it was multiple members that mentioned it. Double standard.

I?m a truth teller. I tell like how it is.

Previously you attempted to make fun of me and I didn?t say anything. (multiple times) I think at the time I was extremely busy and I thought you would stop. (Also I thought maybe there?s something wrong with you.) Then you created two seperate threads dedicated to attack me and Belly. (Trolling tactic) Keep in mind you chased/trolled many members on TI and they subsequently left. Now that people know the history that I have with you. Your the one that made personal attacks against me especially in the housing thread. (Even your homie mentioned that you were trolling me)

I like to to leave you a quote from Trump. ?Start excercising.?

This is one of my favorite Christian song. "Do it Again" by Mack Brock. Click the image to watch.


This is my favorite Korean Gospel Song based off of a popular Spanish Song "JUNTO A TUS PIES". Subtitles are below. I know many of guys like KPOP music, but I want to introduce you guys to Korean Gospel music.

??? ?????. ???? ??? ? ?? ???? ?????.

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?? 8:17-21
eyephone said:
The way I found out about your situation was reading the TI forum. That member mentioned it several times. So it?s okay for that member to bring it up like many times? I?m promoting getting in shape. :)

I?m a truth teller. I tell like how it is.

I'm not sure which member you are talking about and I'm not referring to the many insults you have thrown at me.

I'm talking about discrimination because I'm not sure you are clear about the concept. You're not answering my questions directly so I think there is some disconnect. I hope you understand I am truly trying to work this out with you.

Previously you attempted to make fun of me and I didn?t say anything. (multiple times) I think at the time I was extremely busy and I thought you would stop. (Also I thought maybe there?s something wrong with you.)

So I'm going to extend an olive branch here. I assume you are referring to when I said your posts were Captain Obvious posts. I explained this already but that was because you were not answering my questions about housing analysis since all you were doing was posting links from other sites without adding your own commentary to them. There were also other occasions where other members were talking about their business and you kept posting things that a business owner would already know.

I was not the only member who noticed this and some even asked you to extrapolate on your posts. I even commented that I wish your housing posts were more like your political posts because you explain your position better there. And to your credit, you did start adding more commentary to your housing posts. And I'm not sure if you noticed, but I stopped criticizing your posts in that manner. It's evident now that you were offended by those remarks and I apologize but please understand that I really wanted to know what *your* analysis was, not what some YouTube video was going to tell me.

Then you created two seperate threads dedicated to attack me and Belly. (Trolling tactic) Keep in mind you chased/trolled many members on TI and they subsequently left. Now that people know the history that I have with you. Your the one that made personal attacks against me especially in the housing thread. (Even your homie mentioned that you were trolling me)

I have explained this several times. As much as possible, I prefer to keep conversations on topic. Meccos requested we stop bickering in that housing thread and I truly wanted to hash out our differences because in almost every thread where we had a disagreement on some topic, you accused me of the same things you are doing here. I thought we had come to some sort of truce in that thread, but now, every time I disagree with what you say, ask you to refrain from insulting other members, try to ask you questions or even answer your questions, you post this "personal attack" rhetoric and then refer to that thread as an example.

Please understand that dissenting opinions, discussions, even arguments are NOT personal attacks. There is not one occasion where I have "personally attacked" Belly or you. I don't have any knowledge of your background, your ethnicity, your job or where you live to even form some type of personal insults. You, however, have "attacked" members' jobs, ethnicity, where they live, finances, business practices, weight and called people racists, clowns, b-word etc. and while you may not think it's a big deal, I have received several PMs about it.

Now, don't get me wrong, if you want to continue doing that, I can't stop you nor can I ask you to leave TI, despite what you think, I have never asked any member to leave TI. All I'm asking is that you understand that what you are doing is similar to discrimination. You have stated many times that you are offended when members post articles that talk about race/gender/etc discrimination (the Snowflakes thread) but don't seem to notice that some of your behavior is also discriminatory.

I like to to leave you a quote from Trump. ?Start excercising.?

So this is a perfect example. Again, I don't mind you or anyone insulting me... I can take it. And for all you know, I probably exercise more than most my age. But that's what I mean, you can't make assumptions about members (as Mety mentioned) and insult them. You've called at least 2 or 3 other members "fat" and while I don't mind if you do that to me... I don't think it's right for you to do that to others just because you don't agree on things.

Remember, what makes a discussion board interesting is when there are dissenting opinions, and I as I've said, I recognize the value many of your posts bring to TI. It's just the ones where you are insulting people that, in my opinion, devalue TI. And maybe that's a me problem. Since my attempts to broker some understanding between us has continued to fail, I should probably just refrain from disagreeing with your opinions (which is weird because you have some that I actually agree with and I have Thank You'd for them).

Now hopefully, this post doesn't make you more angry at me. I initially was not going to respond but I really am trying to work this out with you. I am going to work on being more supportive with your posts that I agree with and ignore your posts that I don't agree with so maybe that will give you some indication of what I'm talking about.

And just for the record, if you need to insult people, just insult me... I'm okay with my shortcomings. :)
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
The way I found out about your situation was reading the TI forum. That member mentioned it several times. So it?s okay for that member to bring it up like many times? I?m promoting getting in shape. :)

I?m a truth teller. I tell like how it is.

I'm not sure which member you are talking about and I'm not referring to the many insults you have thrown at me.

I'm talking about discrimination because I'm not sure you are clear about the concept. You're not answering my questions directly so I think there is some disconnect. I hope you understand I am truly trying to work this out with you.

Previously you attempted to make fun of me and I didn?t say anything. (multiple times) I think at the time I was extremely busy and I thought you would stop. (Also I thought maybe there?s something wrong with you.)

So I'm going to extend an olive branch here. I assume you are referring to when I said your posts were Captain Obvious posts. I explained this already but that was because you were not answering my questions about housing analysis since all you were doing was posting links from other sites without adding your own commentary to them. There were also other occasions where other members were talking about their business and you kept posting things that a business owner would already know.

I was not the only member who noticed this and some even asked you to extrapolate on your posts. I even commented that I wish your housing posts were more like your political posts because you explain your position better there. And to your credit, you did start adding more commentary to your housing posts. And I'm not sure if you noticed, but I stopped criticizing your posts in that manner. It's evident now that you were offended by those remarks and I apologize but please understand that I really wanted to know what *your* analysis was, not what some YouTube video was going to tell me.

Then you created two seperate threads dedicated to attack me and Belly. (Trolling tactic) Keep in mind you chased/trolled many members on TI and they subsequently left. Now that people know the history that I have with you. Your the one that made personal attacks against me especially in the housing thread. (Even your homie mentioned that you were trolling me)

I have explained this several times. As much as possible, I prefer to keep conversations on topic. Meccos requested we stop bickering in that housing thread and I truly wanted to hash out our differences because in almost every thread where we had a disagreement on some topic, you accused me of the same things you are doing here. I thought we had come to some sort of truce in that thread, but now, every time I disagree with what you say, ask you to refrain from insulting other members, try to ask you questions or even answer your questions, you post this "personal attack" rhetoric and then refer to that thread as an example.

Please understand that dissenting opinions, discussions, even arguments are NOT personal attacks. There is not one occasion where I have "personally attacked" Belly or you. I don't have any knowledge of your background, your ethnicity, your job or where you live to even form some type of personal insults. You, however, have "attacked" members' jobs, ethnicity, where they live, finances, business practices, weight and called people racists, clowns, b-word etc. and while you may not think it's a big deal, I have received several PMs about it.

Now, don't get me wrong, if you want to continue doing that, I can't stop you nor can I ask you to leave TI, despite what you think, I have never asked any member to leave TI. All I'm asking is that you understand that what you are doing is similar to discrimination. You have stated many times that you are offended when members post articles that talk about race/gender/etc discrimination (the Snowflakes thread) but don't seem to notice that some of your behavior is also discriminatory.

I like to to leave you a quote from Trump. ?Start excercising.?

So this is a perfect example. Again, I don't mind you or anyone insulting me... I can take it. And for all you know, I probably exercise more than most my age. But that's what I mean, you can't make assumptions about members (as Mety mentioned) and insult them. You've called at least 2 or 3 other members "fat" and while I don't mind if you do that to me... I don't think it's right for you to do that to others just because you don't agree on things.

Remember, what makes a discussion board interesting is when there are dissenting opinions, and I as I've said, I recognize the value many of your posts bring to TI. It's just the ones where you are insulting people that, in my opinion, devalue TI. And maybe that's a me problem. Since my attempts to broker some understanding between us has continued to fail, I should probably just refrain from disagreeing with your opinions (which is weird because you have some that I actually agree with and I have Thank You'd for them).

Now hopefully, this post doesn't make you more angry at me. I initially was not going to respond but I really am trying to work this out with you. I am going to work on being more supportive with your posts that I agree with and ignore your posts that I don't agree with so maybe that will give you some indication of what I'm talking about.

And just for the record, if you need to insult people, just insult me... I'm okay with my shortcomings. :)

All I got to say. Bunch of puke. Where do you come up with things?
What?s wrong talking about Long Beach? I thought Morekas will make that city great again? Morekas likes the make America great again slogan.
I am giving people options for housing due to affordability. It?s next to the ocean. (I think no AC need, just a guess)
I really don?t care what Mety says. He can copy and paste, but does he really live by it. He can put his hand on the Bible, but I don?t see him sticking up for other people and help the unfortunate.
Mi Amigo Qwerty? Donde Esta? Panda tiene muchos hermoso musica por tu! mucho mejor que KPOP Musica! :)

Dios siempre est? contigo!  Song : Contigo (With You) - Spanish

esta canci?n es muy hermosa. Dios te ama.
? ??? ??????.


Philippians 4:6-7 & Isaiah 26:3 | Do Not Worry.
Do not worry about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, presenting your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

When we worry about things that haven't taken place yet, we are pretty much on our own. God can't help us with those things, because his will is that we fully live and enjoy today, while completely trusting him for the future.

When we worry, we are letting our minds wander around from the past, to the present to the future, and we wonder or reason about what is going to happen to us, and we start to lose our peace. God intends for us to keep our minds on what we are doing. I don't mean to say that we never take the time to reflect about our past or make plans for the future. But when we do, it should be something we do intentionally with purpose, but not with loose mind that never focuses on anything. All these type of thoughts will pressure us, because they are not God's will. The prophet Isaiah said that God would keep us in perfect peace when our mind is fixed on him.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

Isaiah 26:3

???? ??? ??????.

Lord. You are our father and we are the clay. You are the potter and we are all work of your hands.

Story : Tea Cup

Jinyoung and Hee-sun had recently gotten married and were excited about their new future together. As they were enjoying their romantic walk together, Hee-sun noticed a small antique shop and noticed a beautiful teacup sitting on the shelf and told Jinyoung that she needs to go inside and check out this beautiful tea cup.

She took it off the shelf, so that she can take a closer look at it and just went she about to purchase the gorgeous cup, she jumped when the tea cup began to talk. The tea cup told Hee-sun, "Please don't be afraid. "I wasn't always like this. There was a time when I was just a cold, hard, colorless lump of clay. One day my master picked me up and said, "I could do something with this. Then he started to pat me, and roll me, and change my shape.

"I said, "What are you doing? That hurts. I don't know if I want to look like this! Stop it! I said. But the master said, 'Not yet.' "Then he put me on a wheel and began to spin me around and around and around, until I screamed, "Let me off, I am getting dizzy and I am about to throw up!' Not yet, the master said."

Then he shaped me into a cup and put me in a hot oven increasing the heat to 400 degrees. I cried, "Let me out! It's so hot in here, I am going to die, I am going to suffocate. But he just looked at me through that little glass window and smiled, and said, 'Not yet'.

"When he took me out, I thought his work on me was finally over, but then he started to paint me. I couldn't believe what he did next. He put me back into the hot oven and increased the temperature to 500 degrees, and I started to yell, "You have to believe me, I can't stand this! I can't believe you are doing this to me again! Please let me out! But he smiled again and said 'Not yet'.

"Finally, he took me out of the oven and set me up on a shelf where I thought he had forgotten about me. Then one day he took me off the shelf and held me in front of a mirror. I couldn't believe my eyes, I had become a beautiful teacup that everyone wants to buy."

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

John 3:16

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Isaiah 53:5-6

eyephone said:
I really don?t care what Mety says. He can copy and paste, but does he really live by it. He can put his hand on the Bible, but I don?t see him sticking up for other people and help the unfortunate.

Copying and pasting without giving a proper credit would be a plagiarism. Try copying and pasting what I wrote and see if you can find it elsewhere in search engines.

More importantly, the main message of The Bible or the gospel is not about helping the unfortunate. Don't get me wrong. Helping the unfortunate is definitely something a believer would do and God condemns those who don't throughout His Words. However, there are tons of other books and other religions encouraging on that matter as well. The main message or the real difference is that The Bible is teaching Jesus Christ is the ONLY ONE who performs all those good things in our lives. We, followers of Jesus Christ, are only responsible to have that faith/belief and repent of our shortcomings. All the good things including standing up and helping the unfortunate are all being done by Christ Himself. It's never our own goodness because we don't have ANY goodness to begin with. Knowing and believing that everyday is the most important if not the only meaning of "living by it as a Christian."
eyephone said:
Ecclesiastes 3:8

a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.

A great quote as every Word of God is great.
The meaning of this text is that God is the one sets up all those "times." It might seem like we are setting up a time for love, peace, war, etc. but God is the one who is in control and sets up all those times in His-story, history.
Mety said:
eyephone said:
I really don?t care what Mety says. He can copy and paste, but does he really live by it. He can put his hand on the Bible, but I don?t see him sticking up for other people and help the unfortunate.

Copying and pasting without giving a proper credit would be a plagiarism. Try copying and pasting what I wrote and see if you can find it elsewhere in search engines.

More importantly, the main message of The Bible or the gospel is not about helping the unfortunate. Don't get me wrong. Helping the unfortunate is definitely something a believer would do and God condemns those who don't throughout His Words. However, there are tons of other books and other religions encouraging on that matter as well. The main message or the real difference is that The Bible is teaching Jesus Christ is the ONLY ONE who performs all those good things in our lives. We, followers of Jesus Christ, are only responsible to have that faith/belief and repent of our shortcomings. All the good things including standing up and helping the unfortunate are all being done by Christ Himself. It's never our own goodness because we don't have ANY goodness to begin with. Knowing and believing that everyday is the most important if not the only meaning of "living by it as a Christian."

What Bible have you been reading? Let me share with you the versus that show about the importance of helping others.