Get Well, Peter. (Add your message here.)

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I'm wishing you the speediest of recoveries. If you are anything like your cyclist friend Vicstah, then you will recover faster than the docs expect, and you weren't even attacked by a spider monkey. You will be back on your bike in no time, maybe not a Cannondale again, but a new bike nonetheless. Let me know if you want me to get you some spotted dick. Vicstah mentioned he had a case of it a while back, so I am sure he would be willing to share with you. Aren't pandas considered spotted? Eh, nevermind. Get well soon, you wanker.

Sorry to hear about your accident.

Hopefully you'll have a quick recovery and you'll be back better than ever riding in the Southern California wind.
Some blokes'll do anything to get out of work.

Get well soon Peter. We'll compare tales, scars and hardware at J.T. Schmidt's someday.

A bit of good news. I just spoke to Peter, and he wanted me to thank everyone on IHB for their care and warm wishes. Peter will most likely be released from the hospital next Monday or Tuesday, and look forward to coming back home. Here's a little bit about what happened...


Peter was injured on Saturday near Ventura. He was riding an unsupported century with about 15 other cyclist when his bike cracked mid-ride. He was going about 22-23 mph when the top tube of his frame cracked in half (no one knew how that was possible), and his bike broke into 4 pieces. The scary thing is, he did not hit anything (car, potholes, etc), and his Cannondale bike basically cracked and disintegrated during the ride.

As far as the injuries are concerned, Peter's vertebrate was fractured in multiple places (2 minor breaks and 1 serious break mid-back). Additionally, he broke a few of his fingers, and needs orthopedic surgery as well. Short term, Peter is in a back brace, but won't need surgery (which is good) and the long term prognosis is good. The overall the recovery period is 9-12 months (before he can ride again). The doctors mentioned how lucky he was for not completely breaking the vertebrate around mid-back.

Peter is doing well and resting. We saw him last Sunday, and he was in good spirit (even flipped off Profette a few times). The exact quote was "Wanna see which finger I fractured?" :)


Peter also wanted me to mention that he'd love to see everyone, but asked that to give him a few days to settle in at home. Larry and Zovall were kind enough to agree to mention about Peter's injury on the main blog, and hopefully we can raise some funds and help them out financially as well.


Good luck and a speedy recovery Petah!

I raced BMX when I was a kid for 6 years. My knees are trashed but I never got hurt that bad, and I had some fairly wicked offs.
Does anyone else see a lawsuit here? I didn?t know Cannondale started outsourcing to China too? I guess Gypsyuma is our new resident lawyer? I see a couple of scenarios here?

1) Peter can play hardball, hire a top notch attorney and go after Cannondale for all its worth; get reimburse for medical, injuries, mental anguish, the whole nine yards.

2) Peter could be a little nicer and ?work? with Cannondale engineers to figure out how this happened. Contact their legal and public relations department and tell his stories; if they blow him off then go with option number one! He might get comp a new bike and maybe some money?

3) Simply let it go, but be sure to use the power of the internet and blogs to get the word out about his accident, be sure to let Cannondale know about the incident in a informative letter. The entire point so that other bikers might not experience the same ordeal...
Get well, Peter! I'm glad to hear you're doing better. I ride mountain bikes and can understand the potential risk. Can't believe the Cannondale broke apart
We saw Peter a few hours ago and he seemed to be in good spirits. :D I told him about all the well wishes from everyone on this thread and he wanted me to let everyone know that he can't wait to get back on here. The good news is that he seems as though he's already on his way to recovery.
I just got back from visiting Petah with Vic and his wife. He was doing really well, and you could tell his wife has a sense of relief that he will be coming home soon. It was also good that we got to take his wife out to dinner to give her a much needed break, and for Petah to know that someone is taking care of her when he can't. Vic of course paid, even though he didn't need to, but you can't break a tradition. Both Petah and his wife thanked everyone for their well wishes here on IHB, and he looks forward to seeing them himself very soon.
[quote author="vicstah" date=1245475640]Hey Eff,

I think its a 2004/2005 Cannondale Six13 Si - Aluminum/CF composite. The photos of his bike are unreal...</blockquote>
I hate saying this, but he should seriously consider suing the bike manufacturer. A bike like that should not be coming apart into 4 pieces mid ride. That's some scary stuff. A lawsuit will open the Company's eyes to this potential fatal defect.