Get Well, Peter. (Add your message here.)

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Hi everyone,

PeterUK was in a cycling accident on Saturday in Ventura, and suffered some serious injuries. He's still recovering in the hospital, but should be coming home soon. Please keep him in your prayers & thoughts.


I am very sorry to read about this. I was thinking we could start a new thread as a virtual get-well card where we can add our messages to him and then if one of you who knows him in real life is planning on visiting him, you can print it out and give it to him, or maybe email his wife so she can print it out - or perhaps he will have internet access and can just see it here. I will go start the thread. If anyone receives further word on his condition, please update this thread. Thank you.
(Admin - feel free to relocate this if it belongs in a different category.)


Very sorry about your accident. I am praying for your speedy recovery.

- SoCal
Can I nominate PeterUK to be the first recipient of the "<strong><a href="">roundcorners sick days</a></strong>" movement?

As I recall, this would be for someone who has opened up his home to strangers from the blog for the past couple of Thanksgivings in some very generous acts of kindness. I think it would be the right person to start with...

I'll volunteer to drop off some pringles and cod. Someone just needs to tell me where to take it. PM me if you'd like to contribute, as well.

