General observations on recession affecting OC restaurants

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[quote author="CM_Dude" date=1254874723]Look for a local produce shop - we have two in Costa Mesa. Grower's Ranch is the retail outlet for Ingardia Produce, a supplier to many restauarants, and Grower's Direct. Both have high quality, very inexpensive produce. Grower's Ranch is on Newport Blvd. right next to Skosh Monahan's (20th street), and Grower's Direct is at the intersection of Newport and 17th, in the same shopping center as Denny's.


I enjoy shopping at Grower's Direct. It's a hike for me, but every so often we'll make it down there and are always pleased with the selection, quality and prices.
[quote author="caycifish" date=1254879219][quote author="CM_Dude" date=1254874723]Look for a local produce shop - we have two in Costa Mesa. Grower's Ranch is the retail outlet for Ingardia Produce, a supplier to many restauarants, and Grower's Direct. Both have high quality, very inexpensive produce. Grower's Ranch is on Newport Blvd. right next to Skosh Monahan's (20th street), and Grower's Direct is at the intersection of Newport and 17th, in the same shopping center as Denny's.


I enjoy shopping at Grower's Direct. It's a hike for me, but every so often we'll make it down there and are always pleased with the selection, quality and prices.</blockquote>

We shop there all the time, then head on over to Trader Joe's. It is pretty funny, seeing the same folks at both stores, it is the perfect little geographic cluster of great places to shop. There will be a specialty meat store opening up in the same center soon - The Meat House. That will really be a great addition!
[quote author="OCCOBRA" date=1254806811]

I stopped shopping at Ralph's as they do not pull food that has expired off the shelves. I got tired of throwing things away and finding stuff bad even before the exp. date. I feel they don't really care and i was tired of being ripped off.</blockquote>

I've noticed this to be a problem for Ralph's all over Southern California. It's as if they don't really check the shelves for expiration dates in many locations. One thing I've noticed this to be a problem with especially is yogurt and cottage cheese. After sampling alot of other grocery stores, Ralph's seems to be at the bottom of the list in terms of experience. I only go there, well, if there's nothing else available.
I don't think expiration over canned goods is just a Ralph's problem. When the Albertson's in Quail Hill first opened, a lot of the canned items had been expired for over a year. I recently bought canned olives at wholesome choice and they were expired by several months. Trader joes frequently sells moldy cheese and bread.

I'm not even entirely sure if canned and bottled products actually expire on the date that is shown. I think putting a date on canned and processed products is a new thing to avoid law suits.

I do have a problem with dairy, meat and vegetables that are noticeably spoiled and rancid.
If the can isn't 'expanded' it's fine. If you open it and it smells bad, THROW IT AWAY.

Anymore (for cooking) I always buy tomatos canned. They are less money and they were ripe when they got put in the cans so they'll be tasty.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1254910199]If the can isn't 'expanded' it's fine. If you open it and it smells bad, THROW IT AWAY.

Anymore (for cooking) I always buy tomatos canned. They are less money and they were ripe when they got put in the cans so they'll be tasty.</blockquote>

Why don't you grow your own tomatoes? Freakin slacker!
Pacific Ranch Market in Orange at the corner of Chapman and Newport is a great local market, good cantaloupes, temecula oranges, meats and deli.
[quote author="fumbling" date=1254959818]Pacific Ranch Market in Orange at the corner of Chapman and Newport is a great local market, good cantaloupes, temecula oranges, meats and deli.</blockquote>

It is, but at OMG WTF prices. I love that place. And I never shop there.
[quote author="graphrix" date=1254919556][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1254910199]If the can isn't 'expanded' it's fine. If you open it and it smells bad, THROW IT AWAY.

Anymore (for cooking) I always buy tomatos canned. They are less money and they were ripe when they got put in the cans so they'll be tasty.</blockquote>

Why don't you grow your own tomatoes? Freakin slacker!</blockquote>

Where do you think my tomatos wind up?

<a href="">Here's a hint...</a>