Garage Remedy completed our 3CG, along with cabinets and other organizers. The Epoxy and Flake ran $1,495. Not sure if that was discounted because of the other stuff we ordered. Happy with the quality of work. Some items of note:
Got junk in the garage? Might want to rent a Pod.
Wow new garage floor... man... those walls now look pretty shiatty. Time to pay a painter to spruce the space up. Best to get it done before the new floor.
The Epoxy smell lingers for at least 48 hours. If your FAU is in the garage, it's not wise to use it while the floor is curing. You never know what all those fumes packed in a confined space will do.
Got cars? Hope there's parking. Even on our street we have very limited parking options. Wish I would have asked some of the neighbors to park in their drive way while the work was being done, perhaps even overnight.
Good luck with the decision. Our home is a 1994 vintage property and there were some hairline cracks in the floor, prior owners oil stains, etc. Now it looks great. I know $1500 is a lot, but believe it was worth it.
My .02c