Funky listing photos

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[quote author="profette" date=1235376751]Dana Point...And it's near the beach! Where do I sign? And there's 9 of these pics!

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I saw this one a few months back and it made me sad... this is actually a person with a serious case of hoarding. My mom's place has gotten almost this bad in the past. It's a serious disorder where people can't get rid of anything for fear that they will need it and it's underlying root is anxiety and/or depression. And trying to get these people to part with even the absolute garbage is like pulling teeth. My mom will sometimes break down into tears when I'm clearing stuff out and only because I'm her daughter can I even get away with throwing and/or giving stuff away. It gets worse as people get older, but I've heard of younger people living like this place pictured here.

Unless the person is moving some place larger, it's going to be very traumatic. I'm surprised they even let the agent take pictures because when it gets this bad they often won't allow anyone in the house so needed repairs aren't made. I wouldn't be surprised if this was an older person. It didn't get bad with my mom until she got older.
<a href="">Cayci and I actually saw this home before it was on the market</a>. You know... one of those exclusive buy now before it is scooped up, because it is so special homes, "pocket listings", which is actually a gray area of what is ethical and what is not. Now... I could really rip the home apart, just for the fact that it has mostly wood windows, some aluminum, and some vinyl, but not a single window in the master can be opened other than the french door to the balcony outside. I still might though, just because of the WTF price.

Dear gawd...

Now, it is hard to tell, but at the far left behind the dining room table, you can see mirrors floor to ceiling. When in fact, there are drawers and cabinets that are completely covered in mirrors. Mirrors!? What? Is Pablo Escobar coming over for dinner or what?

You really need to see the bathroom to get the true headache inducing effect of the lighting.

After this, I really thought <a href="">Tubbs and Crockett</a> were going to show up to help close the deal.
This room looks really big in the picture. It's not.

I stopped and stared at the mirrored cabinets and wall. I was trying to figure out what would possess someone to do that.

The popcorn ceiling is still there under the plastic for the lights. And the faucet fixtures are actually rose shaped. Literally.
i love the dropped ceiling in the living room that blocks the window. real classy.

also gotta love the laminate cabinets of the 'entertainment center'. makes me think of a dentist's office.
Ok, since renting for the past 2 yrs I admittedly haven't been keeping up with lighting/fixture fashions but wtf is up with this ceiling fan?

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located at <a href="">15505 Orchid Ave</a>

Has anyone ever seen anything like this? I am fascinated by this. The furnishing are fairly tasteful/neutral so it really makes me think I've missed the boat on some new ceiling fan trend.
^ Yeah, I've seen that. It's called a gyrofan. It rotates while blowing. Gyrofans were actually used around the turn of the (last) century.
Thanks SoCal. I don't know why I have never seen one. Besides looking "heavy" I don't dislike it - it's quirky and very inspector gadget looking.

Perhaps you can explain this:

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<a href="">16 SilverOak</a>

Does Fisher Price make "My first clothes iron"? That popcorn vacuum thing is genius but there is no way to make ironing fun.

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I think the gyrofans look great in a grand room full of character and a high volume ceiling. In a McMansion with 9 foot ceilings... not so much.
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What happens when buyers show up in person and discovered the oil painting isn't real? Well the realtor has the answer to that! "Close Your Eyes & Imagine A Backyard All To Yourself, As Large As Two Or Three Football Fields.You See A Park Like Setting With A Playground, Endless Lawn To Run And Play On."
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What happens when buyers show up in person and discovered the oil painting isn't real? Well the realtor has the answer to that! "Close Your Eyes & Imagine A Backyard All To Yourself, As Large As Two Or Three Football Fields.You See A Park Like Setting With A Playground, Endless Lawn To Run And Play On."</blockquote>
does the realtor double as an artist? haha
[quote author="Stuff It" date=1238659953]My daughter requested an ironing board and iron for her xmas present. She brings it out whenever my wife does the ironing</blockquote>

An actual iron? That heats up? How old is she? That is fascinating...
Ah ok. Because an iron would have to get pretty hot to actually work. I don't think a 15 watt lightbulb like the betty crocker oven would do the trick for ironing clothes! :)

Thats cool you got your son a kitchen. A man of any age who can cook rocks!
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<a href="">7101 Maple St Westminster, CA 92683 </a>