Fullerton Mid-Century Modern Homes

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So... I was always aware of the Eichlers in Orange and Tustin, but I didn't know until not that there is some fantastic modern architecture in Fullerton. I saw some great picks in the commute to Pasadena thread, and it really peaked my interest. Would anyone be willing to head up architecture tour of Fullerton? Would this be a walking tour, or would it be a driving only tour? Seriously, I would be very interested, especially if we could get BK to join too.
[quote author="graphrix" date=1239374530]Would this be a walking tour, or would it be a driving only tour? <blockquote>The homes are spread out. If we walked it, it would be a long walk. However, it is a beautiful neighborhood with lush foliage so the walk would be pleasant. </blockquote>Seriously, I would be very interested, especially if we could get BK to join too.</blockquote> Bk, would be a great resource for the outing. Any interest BK?

I'll try to head out there this weekend and plot out a tour for us to take.
Update: Fullerton walking tour.

I drove around Raymond Hills last weekend in search of a good route for us to walk. The mid-century modern homes are spread out all over the place. Many are concealed because the home rests on top of a hilly area and can only be seen by trespassing up a long private driveway. I did find about 6 that are viewable from the street and along the same path.

I propose we start at Starbucks, load up of caffeine, then venture through two streets near downtown Fullerton that are lined with historical homes. From there we can cross over Harbor and head up into the hills to the neighborhood with the mid century modern homes (on the way we will pass Fullerton's national landmark Hillcrest Park and a second neighborhood of vintage homes). We could end our tour at Cafe Hidalgo in downtown Fullerton for lunch. This would make our walk about 5 miles. Would 5 miles be too much? See my attached map of my proposed route. Let's hear some input.

I'm free next weekend, May 9th or 10th to do this. Or May 30th and 31st. I think we should start in the late morning so it's not too hot. Who is interested in doing this? What days are you free?

Below you will find some pictures of the places we will be walking by.

Mid Century Modern Homes

<img src="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/?ACT=25&fid=7&aid=282_84saZLsyHWNfmZ02w9V9&board_id=1" alt="" />

Art Deco House in Raymond Hills

<img src="http://www.fullertonheritage.org/Resources/archstyles/arch_images/artdeco/gamble.jpg" alt="" />

Downtown Fullerton: Via Del Sol/The California Hotel This historic hotel is now home to severl shops and cafes. Cafe Hidalgo is located here.

<img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1419/540136550_9c7716758f.jpg?v=0" alt="" />

<img src="http://www.downtownfullerton.com/media/villa2.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://www.cafehidalgofullerton.com/IMG_0173.jpg" alt="" />

Historic Neighborhoods:

<img src="http://bp1.blogger.com/_BGqgPvqQO4o/SFPzKHcMJqI/AAAAAAAAAKs/iN9dmRMncpM/s400/jacarandaBrookdalePlaceBruce.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://www.orangecountyhomesre.com/mlsphotos/L27/L27752_1.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://images2.zillow.com/is/image/i0/i0/i4357/ISxm5w9bg5rn37.jpg" alt="" />
<fieldset class="gc-fieldset">
<legend> Attached files </legend> <a href="http://www.talkirvine.com/converted_files/images/forum_attachments/314_98tnDBnDPrMjFJnlATDf.jpg"><img src="http://www.talkirvine.com/converted_files/images/forum_attachments/314_98tnDBnDPrMjFJnlATDf.jpg" class="gc-images" title="Walking Tour Fullerton Map.jpg" style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
Not a Fullerton Mid-Century, but <a href="http://www.redfin.com/CA/Tustin/13032-Chaplet-Pl-92780/home/3495382">one of the Tustin Cliff May's is up for sale.</a>