Fishing on Irvine Lake

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Wondering where are some of the best places to fish near Irvine? What type of fish can you catch in Irvine Lake? Have any of you gone fishing there? What do you think is the best bait to use there? Night Crawlers, Leeches, minnows? I used to love night crawlers fishing as a kid, but I now I only use Leeches.
I love fishing in the back bay. Of course, you'd never keep or eat any of it, but it's great catch and release fun. My husband took me out when we were dating and it was so much fun! Now we just take the family boat out around the Harbor or to Catalina once and a while. Lots of day trips off of Newport are also very fun. Of course I like catching, not fishing, so I always go for the easy stuff. I could consult my fisherman husband as far as bait for you as he has pretty much fished everywhere in the vicinity of OC for his entire life.
I shared this once; BTW, I'm totally not a big fisher; but some friends are... We actually went to the Woodbridge south lake, and just cast off the shore... Look up my old thread "Irvine Secret Amenities"... the lake is just teeming with bass, we each caught about 3-4, catch and release... really fun!
Irvine Lake is alright. We've caught fish there but nothing spectacular. I asked my bf for advice to pass on to you and his grumpy reply was, "Tell them to check the fishing report." :) A few weeks ago he caught a 21.7 lb catfish at Canyon Lake. He seems to have a lot of success there catching crappie (that is actually the name of the fish). Laguna Niguel Lake has been mediocre the past few years. When I was a kid, the men in my family used to catch the limit there by about 7:30am. The past few years, we've been lucky to leave with one fish after fishing 3/4 day.
[quote author="tmare" date=1243076365]I love fishing in the back bay. Of course, you'd never keep or eat any of it, but it's great catch and release fun. My husband took me out when we were dating and it was so much fun! Now we just take the family boat out around the Harbor or to Catalina once and a while. Lots of day trips off of Newport are also very fun. Of course I like catching, not fishing, so I always go for the easy stuff. I could consult my fisherman husband as far as bait for you as he has pretty much fished everywhere in the vicinity of OC for his entire life.</blockquote>

Wait a second... you have a boat... that can get to Catalina... tmare... my new friend.