<p align="left">Go on a Whale Watch. Every December the island of Maui is blessed with the return of the majestic Humpback whales. From Alaska, more than 600 whales make the 3,000 mile trip to mate and give birth to their young in the warm waters around Maui, Lanai and Molokai. After the baby whales are born, they will remain in the warm waters off Maui until April or May. Young whales will gain up to 100 pounds per day nursing on their mother's rich milk which is almost 100 percent fat. The baby whales will need all that they can get in order to make the return trip to Alaska for the summer.
<strong>IMPORTANT NOTE:</strong> I've got Bad News and Good News! The Bad News is: Whale watching is available only during the winter whale season. Specifically, whale watch cruises are available only from December 16 through May 14. From May 15 through December 15, there are NO WHALES to watch. However, the Good News is that Parasailing and Jet Skiing, prohibited during whale season, are both available from May 15 through December 15!</p>
<p align="left">I copied and pasted the above to save Typing </p>
<p align="left">Maui is really nice, we went there the last two years (during March). The Road to Hana is great but make sure you rent a Jeep..it's really funny watching first-timers trying to navigate this road in a little Chevy Hatchback...we always spend at least two Days doing Hana, the best direction is anti-cockwise, you're always on the Ocean side ...</p>
<p align="left">We stayed in Beach Front Condo's both times, it nice to sit on the Lanai first thing in the morning and watch the Whales..."oops, sorry Madam"</p>
<p align="left">We prefer a Condo in Maui because we Cycle, they have Kitchens and full Maid Service just like in a Hotel so as we leave the Airport we stop at Costco and stock up with Flats of Water, Fruit, Steak and milk etc on the way...</p>
<p align="left">We stayed both times on the West Coast just above Lahaina (Front St in Lahaina is well worth a visit too)...</p>
<p align="left"> </p>