Not sure if this was mentioned but:
Some are pain to transfer or set up new... the most notorious being phone service from the local telco provider. In the many times I moved, moving phone and DSL was a pain because they required a 2-week window and many times there were issues so not only did we have no phone service but no internet when we moved in (and we all know internet is probably more important than water and electricity... heh).
Gas, water, electricity and trash are fairly easy... and having experienced issues with AT&T (the sole Irvine phone service), I switched to Cox. Not only were they able to provide service next day, but they had no issues installing both new phone, cable AND internet all at the same time (and you can get deals that will be cheaper than AT&T).
And I'm not sure this is a utility but start forwarding your address sooner than later. Usually it takes a while to kick in and you'll won't get mail until a few weeks after you move in.