Favorite toys/music/etc for toddlers

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Pretty much anything by "Melissa & Doug". They are creative and well-made toys. I especially like their Classic Toy collection. It will remind the parent of all the boys they played with as a child: The Abacus, the clock, the lacing shoe, magnetic dress-up dolls, the block cart, etc. Brings back memories.
Legos/Duplos. The quality is amazing for the price (especially if you get them on sale) and they really allow for a ton of creativity / place and generally store away easily.
We've enjoyed a number of the Melissa and Doug puzzles as well.  The 48 piece Underwater floor puzzle has been a favorite:

The picture legend (attached) which names the fish was very helpful and it was amazing how quickly the little ones remember the names.  A visit to the Aquarium of the Pacific also kept our little one excited about it all.


bones said:
Oh forgot to add.  BALANCE BIKE!  Great for toddlers (<2 yo) especially when their legs don't reach the tricycle pedals (plus I'm not a huge fan of trikes).  We have this one.  It's great:

That and Razor scooters.

I do think that because they learned balance and leaning from the Razor scooters, it made it much easier for them to learn now to ride a bike.
We have the Strider bike but my older one didn't take to it.  We also tried the Like a Bike but no luck either but my nephew absolutely loves it.  The Like a Bike's handle bars don't turn too far to the left or right which seems like a good feature.
The Milessa and Doug stuff is great.

For stickers, buy the better books of static cling stickers. Reuseable Vehicle Stickers  In addition to being able to do them one than once, they're easy to get off your car windows, house windows, appliances, or wood floor. :-)

Not really a 'toy' but, about the price of a spendy toy, annual passes for the family to Aquarium of Pacific, San Diego Zoo, etc.

Xyloplone or pretty much any musical instrument.  Yes, it's noise, but it's not a 'noisy toy'.  As for noisy toys, IMHO, anyone giving a VTECH manufactured toyed should be flogged.  They're the worse, they either have one hardset volume setting 'deafen'.  Or they have two, 'deafen' and 'sound cannon'.  For added benefit, they're sound tracks are short, annoying and highly repeatitive and continuous.

Collapsible tunnels are a great hit too as you can turn chair cushions and tunnels into a mini-obstacle anywhere.

Toddler garden tools from Lowes are also a big hit.  Added benefit on a mini-me helping for parent and me time outside.  Pair it with a container garden for the patio and you can teach them planting, harvesting and eating fresh veggies.  Plants like green beans, cucumbers are pretty easy growing and most toddlers will eat them.  Radishes are super fast growers, but not the popular to eat.

We also have an artist easel with one side chalk board and the other dry erase marker and a paper roll that pulls over the top for crayons and paint.

I'll also +1 the play kitchen.  I do most of cooking and my son will imitate me cooking.  We also have a little play grill for outside.  He grills too.
We have taken a few trips with our little one and I would always show her where we live and where we were going on the map (Google Maps) or on the Southwest Airlines napkin.  She seemed interested in knowing where our family and friends live so we thought she may be interested in learning about the various states.  She was indeed and here are the resources that worked for us:

Melissa & Doug USA Map 51 piece puzzle
The puzzle is a little difficult to put together because the pieces don't lock like a traditional puzzle. Other than that, it is great and the pictures on each state gave her something to associate with each state.  It would have been nice if the pictures were all state birds or flowers, etc. I also think there was value in being able to hold each state and place it in relation to other states.

US Laminated Map
We taped this to a wall.  I suppose any map would have done.  On a side note: this company has very reasonable prices in general for all kinds of educational supplies but requires a purchase of $50 for free shipping.

Wee Sing America Amazon link  GoHastings (where we purchased it) link
I would say that this by far was the most influential item.  We purchased it initially for songs like America the Beautiful, You're a Grand Old Flag, The Marine's Hymn and it was a hit.  The audiobook comes with very basic sheet music and words which I appreciated (as someone who can hardly play).  One of the songs, track #17, is called The United States and the words consists of all the states (mostly) alphabetically.  It is a catchy tune that she kept asking to be played.
Marble runs lasted all of a week I think.

Didn't have one of those expensive Hape ones but they got bored even after rebuilding a few times.

There is only one thing that they haven't got bored of... and it starts with an "i". Even their 3DSes collect dust once in a while.