furioussugar said:
Open Sky- Anyone you can recommend ?
When we lived in Ventura, we used Lisa of Nature by Design - but she's an 805er.
Her website is worth a look (our old place is in her photostream) to see the before-and-after photos:
I'd do a few google searches for "native garden orange county" - I'm sure a few will pop up.
We had ours certified as an Ocean-Friendly Garden by Surfrider Foundation and Certified Natural Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation, as well - great resources there:
I can't tell you how transformational it was to have a native garden. Butterflies, birds and color everywhere - the place was teeming with activity and the family felt so relaxed in it. Truly a sanctuary that came alive as a native space that had all sorts of fun places to discover and track as it grew.
We captured all the rainwater from the roof into a dry creek, integrated with a custom rock fountain at the center of it. Pretty large veggie garden, native grass, drip irrigation (run once per week), re-level soil, etc.
Total front and back, with hardscaping, ~7000 square foot lot was $45k (design/materials/labor). Crew paid a fair wage and benefits. Materials sourced locally.
These were taken about 2 months after planting.