EPA's final analysis of TCE - causes cancer (well duh)

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test said:
oakcreekrenter said:
Woodbridge is IRP Site 18.  Apparently the Irvine Water District pumps the groundwater out, filters out the TCE, and adds the water back to its non-drinking water supply. 

So if that water goes to water the grass, TCE vapors go straight into the air.  Ahhh, fresh Woodbridge air!
Doesn't Columbus Square have its own issues when it comes to TCE and TCE vapors???
USCTrojanCPA said:
test said:
oakcreekrenter said:
Woodbridge is IRP Site 18.  Apparently the Irvine Water District pumps the groundwater out, filters out the TCE, and adds the water back to its non-drinking water supply. 

So if that water goes to water the grass, TCE vapors go straight into the air.  Ahhh, fresh Woodbridge air!
Doesn't Columbus Square have its own issues when it comes to TCE and TCE vapors???

Apparently not... According to the map and the Wikipedia link the Tustin marine base isn't a superfund site.  Anyone here own in voc?  Do you guys have to sign off on anything preventing you from eating stuff you grow?

*** i was mistaken, info below by shokunin *****
I'm not fully sure on how to understand the map, so what is affecting parcels 26, 28 and 32?  That's where the current homes for CS reside, right?
Boy... if test was the owner of this thread, he would be deleting that map post so fast.

Now don't get me wrong... I don't mind him bringing up the Woodbridge Plume all the time... as long as he realizes the area he keeps pushing has them too... if not worse.

Look at those plumes right next to Costco... so is all that bulk food we buy contaminated? /sarc
villagepeople said:
USCTrojanCPA said:
test said:
oakcreekrenter said:
Woodbridge is IRP Site 18.  Apparently the Irvine Water District pumps the groundwater out, filters out the TCE, and adds the water back to its non-drinking water supply. 

So if that water goes to water the grass, TCE vapors go straight into the air.  Ahhh, fresh Woodbridge air!
Doesn't Columbus Square have its own issues when it comes to TCE and TCE vapors???

Apparently not... According to the map and the Wikipedia link the Tustin marine base isn't a superfund site.  Anyone here own in voc?  Do you guys have to sign off on anything preventing you from eating stuff you grow?

*** i was mistaken, info below by shokunin *****

Yes you do, I went there (VoC) and had a look over their disclosures and one of the big ones was to not eat things you grow that have "deep roots".  It was actually a big reason for us to leave as we didn't want to have toxic kitties.
You talking about this for the Columbus Grove and Tustin Fields plume, do you guys remember this dislaimer you need to sign before you purchase a home there. Not sure if it was one or both:


Now, what does that tell you? It's obvious, there something underneath. Notice how they put farming...hehe
Much of the land was used for farming, but not where any of the homes are.  You need to look at the land use map before they started building there.


I was able to contact someone who works at the EPA that deals with VOC's.  He made it seem like cancer was such a regular thing.  He didn't seem to make such a big deal out of it.
He was very knowledgeable about the topic.  I'm going to be emailing him with more questions  Is there anything you guys would like me to address?

His name is Matt Salazar, Environmental Engineer, Superfund Division
anth.trinh said:
I was able to contact someone who works at the EPA that deals with VOC's.  He made it seem like cancer was such a regular thing.  He didn't seem to make such a big deal out of it.
He was very knowledgeable about the topic.  I'm going to be emailing him with more questions  Is there anything you guys would like me to address?

His name is Matt Salazar, Environmental Engineer, Superfund Division

Yes, thanks!

I'd like to know what effects there may be if any, when they dig up the soil at the Great Park (for housing or for the park itself) and if any of that soil is contaminated with TCE or radioactive stuff, or whatever toxic material there may be, how would all that debris rising up into the air affect the residents living in the surrounding area.  I mean how far is far enough away from all that stuff that will inevitably get in the air.  How about the schools surround that area?  Will it be safe?
kayochan said:
anth.trinh said:
I was able to contact someone who works at the EPA that deals with VOC's.  He made it seem like cancer was such a regular thing.  He didn't seem to make such a big deal out of it.
He was very knowledgeable about the topic.  I'm going to be emailing him with more questions  Is there anything you guys would like me to address?

His name is Matt Salazar, Environmental Engineer, Superfund Division

Yes, thanks!

I'd like to know what effects there may be if any, when they dig up the soil at the Great Park (for housing or for the park itself) and if any of that soil is contaminated with TCE or radioactive stuff, or whatever toxic material there may be, how would all that debris rising up into the air affect the residents living in the surrounding area.  I mean how far is far enough away from all that stuff that will inevitably get in the air.  How about the schools surround that area?  Will it be safe?

Those are very valid questions, i'll write them down in my notes and let you know the answers.

I also talking to one of my professors Dr. Vullev at the University of California, Riverside.  He is a bioengineering professor and has a PhD in chemistry.  If anyone this guy would know about it. 

I'll keep everyone updated.
Any updates would be great.

Does the TCE pose an issue anywhere else in Irvine as far as affecting the drinking water supplies?

I know this is a stretch, but will areas like Orchard Hills, Portola Springs, or PP be affected - not just land, but water supplies?
anth.trinh said:
I was able to contact someone who works at the EPA that deals with VOC's.  He made it seem like cancer was such a regular thing.  He didn't seem to make such a big deal out of it.
He was very knowledgeable about the topic.  I'm going to be emailing him with more questions  Is there anything you guys would like me to address?

His name is Matt Salazar, Environmental Engineer, Superfund Division

Cancer is a pretty regular thing...it's the unfortunate byproduct of having a longer life span and lower infant mortality.  There are lot of things in the world that causes cancer...in fact, there isn't a firm grip on what causes cancer.

For example:

Many risk factors can increase your chance of developing breast cancer, but it is not yet known exactly how some of these risk factors cause cells to become cancerous. Hormones seem to play a role in many cases of breast cancer, but just how this happens is not fully understood.
I read some article published by some well known research school (John Hopkins?) that said that about 2/3 of cancer is nothing more than bad luck (random gene mutations of cells).  I think we all have cancerous cells but it's just can our immune systems destroy those cells before they get out of control. 
USCTrojanCPA said:
I read some article published by some well known research school (John Hopkins?) that said that about 2/3 of cancer is nothing more than bad luck (random gene mutations of cells).  I think we all have cancerous cells but it's just can our immune systems destroy those cells before they get out of control.

yup...that's why most cancers don't manifest itself until later in life.  Your body's ability to fix transcription errors and kill cancerous cells start fading and more mistakes are made.  Furthermore, most transcription errors are harmless. 

Cancer is multi-leveled...some people can smoke for 100 years and not get lung cancer while other get it without smoking at all.
It would be good if there was a log of tce concentrations in shallow ground water under woodbridge.. I suppose that's only way to be sure that vapor intrusion is not happening over time from aquifer..

The reports assuring no VI in woodbridge are old and things must have changed now especially considering the drought and its effect on groundwater.