Emergency center

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Thanks for everyone?s response. The baby slept off the bump; he got up the usual times in the night; and this morning it looks like it never happened. I thought at least there would be a blue bruise but it looks alright. I even touched it but he didn?t even react. Wow, kids are sure resilient. I mean, I remember all the accidents (with direct head traumas) I went through as a kid; and I?m still ok (I think). I grew up in an Asian home; meaning, we never saw the doctor for anything! But I have a feeling that it would be different for our family; we still have medical bills from last year, in a tickler file folder. Oh well, if you can?t beat them, join them. I?m so glad; I?m in medical sales?

Socal,, wow thanks for that heads-up. That totally sounds scary, you are right we would probably straight to the ER; and that would have been another $1,000 ER bill...

No Vas, thanks for calling or talking to your mom?

oh,, he is 15 weeks this week!
No problem, RC. The best advice I can give is to arm yourself with info now for things that might happen in the future that way you're all set... things like burns, high fevers, and especially choking & drowning (since there will be no time in that case to read through a book or website before acting.) If you can not take a CPR course, at least Google the "finger sweep" method but really a course is very valuable. This has saved my baby from choking on a Gerber Biter Biscuit several times. (I hate those things.) Sorry, I don't mean to scare you, though. I'm happy to say we've never had a broken bone, no stitches, and only one trip to the ER in six years!

I'm glad your little guy is feeling much better.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1243549860][quote author="Sunshine" date=1243517181] I hope I did not scare you into not having kids. :)</blockquote>

Nope! Thanks so much for sharing your stories!
Don't let the scary stories spook you... I had no idea that I would enjoy fatherhood so much.

These little ones have changed my life.

<img src="http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs007.snc1/4168_84146968127_724373127_1836303_4033835_n.jpg" alt="" />

And similar to the Irvine housing prices, these guys are changing.

It's just really hard to detect it when you watch on a daily basis.

But look at the difference a year makes.

<img src="http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs007.snc1/4168_84144958127_724373127_1836295_5253219_n.jpg" alt="" />

Good luck,

You know IR, even I didn't realize I would enjoy motherhood so much. In a way my lay off has been a blessing in disguise, and it is a wonderful feeling to "own" the kids emotionally:-)

I checked my older one's height today, and she is 8 inches shorter than me. It feels only like yesterday when I got a scrawny baby home. She looked like a kitten when she was born. Very pale pink skin, extremely underweight, and long. Was 4 lbs and 18 inches...can't believe my little baby grew so much:-))
[quote author="roundcorners" date=1243508122]We had our first real baby scare tonight. I usually give the baby a bath with me in the tub; well tonight I was just really tired, and my back was killing me. I lie down on the tub and put him on my chest and tummy. He's getting really wiggly and excited all day today. I sat him up on his butt as I went to get up. He was so top heavy and I lost grip and he fell to his side and hit his head on the fiberglass tub. My wife and I freak out! After he realized what happened, he screamed of course; a bump was already starting to appear; he was all red and crying. We got him dried and I rushed out of the shower. We fumbled around for what seemed like an hour; I pulled What to Expect the First Year, and just looked up anything about head trauma; went to call the Pediatrician office; and got the machine. Got another number for the exchange, called that number to have the doc call us back. Well he is not showing any symptoms of head trauma; the doc thinks it's quite normal; so we are just going to keep an eye on it tonight. We got to make sure he gets up at least once tonight; and really see if he is acting differently tomorrow. We totally got to make sure we have emergency numbers and know exactly which emergency room to go to in case we ever need it.</blockquote>

Wow! You guys went through a scary night.. glad everything is alright:-)