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hello said:Its hard to say with the pictures, but im sure this car "fits" if he pulled all the way up to the garage with barely any space in front of the car. The point was that its ridiculous that you have to park so specifically to leave little to no space between the car and garage in order to fit your car on the drive way. If you want to fit two cars side by side on the driveway, its the same issue. Again, 2.7M and you have to be careful how you park so that you are not protruding into the sidewalk? Ridiculous. Oh and I love the front yard on this 2.7M dollar house. Have we all lost our mind thinking that this is ok for a 2.7M dollar house?
It's all relative in real estate. I have a relative who just dropped $600k on a massive home in Fontana with 3 car garage, huge streets, wide open driveway. And yet it's "Fontana" and probably one of the most expensive homes in the entire city. And then you go to NYC and they have an apartment listed for $20 million and they tell you they have a 1 car space for that apartment (but oh by the way you have to drop another $1 million just for the parking space) - this was on MDLNY last season. Ultimately it's what the market demands and is willing to pay. For people coming from a place like Hong Kong what a steal to get a driveway and 2 car garage for $2.7!