New member
>>but soon Irvinites soon can put on their heels for a night on the town at Old Town Santa Ana.
We already go to Memphis on weekend nights because the food is good, not particularly expensive, and there's no wait! There's a bar nearby (can't recall the name) that is trying to bring hipsters into the area. There's some real potential in the neighborhood.
It would be nice to see more of Broadway turned into retail restaurant, along with the professional / commercial businesses being run out of the old homes. I can imagine that the money in Floral Park would like to be able to walk out of the neighborhood for breakfast or lunch on weekends - and not be stuck at Norm's. From there, they could hook up the Bowers and restaurant corridors on Main.
We already go to Memphis on weekend nights because the food is good, not particularly expensive, and there's no wait! There's a bar nearby (can't recall the name) that is trying to bring hipsters into the area. There's some real potential in the neighborhood.
It would be nice to see more of Broadway turned into retail restaurant, along with the professional / commercial businesses being run out of the old homes. I can imagine that the money in Floral Park would like to be able to walk out of the neighborhood for breakfast or lunch on weekends - and not be stuck at Norm's. From there, they could hook up the Bowers and restaurant corridors on Main.