Discord channel for Talkirvine

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Who's interested in a more modern chat client for TalkIrvine folks?  Not to replace the forums but to supplement.  I've been using Discord for my Star Wars games and pretty impressed by the ease and functionality of the app.  I can set one up and we can give it a go.  Probably for the younger crowds, older folks don't like push notifications :)

It will be moderated to keep things civil for the nice folks of TalkIrvine of course.  Discord does not have a strong filter or any at all.
What would we use it for?

So we can chat in real time trying to figure out who YellowFever is?

To criticize the newest savior of the Lakers?

To repeal Obamacare?

To organize raids for Pokemon Go?

You can just text me ps9 if you're lonely. :)
It's more semi-live with push notifications, you can ignore but someone can send you a notification on your phone to alert you.  And it's all mobile, there is a desktop version but it is made for mobile.

I'll set one up, peruse as you like.
No Need.  We all know who YF is.. maybe he's trying to get to OH3.. maybe not. 
ps9 said:
It's more semi-live with push notifications, you can ignore but someone can send you a notification on your phone to alert you.  And it's all mobile, there is a desktop version but it is made for mobile.

I'll set one up, peruse as you like.

Waiting for the PS9-signal.
When you first sign on, you'll be in the 'dropzone'. Post a message and I'll open the rest of the channels up to you.  Just a safety feature in case of server raids
Hmmm...Discord is free and the format is not a forum more informal speak the moment chatroom.  TI is missing this.  TI is not mobile friendly while Discord is built for phone use.  TI is for data and documenting.  Discord is more random thoughts and speak your mindish.  Just think of it as a group text, but remaining anonymous and with ability to tune out/delete messages as you see fit.

Hey, if admin wants to stop this, go right ahead, I don't mind and I'll still be on TI and not get bent out of shape and nuke all my messages and delete acct :)
Oh... and IHO sent me an email the other day, crap I'm in trouble, should've told him to use TI PM.  Didn't want to offend Captain Obvious.

:) :) :)
It took me a minute to realize it but this Discord thing is what my teen & tween are on all the time. You can do voice and video chat. My teenager has a Discord server. He's been using Discord for a while as a group chat with his friends. I feel like I have 4 kids because his 2 best friends are constantly "present" in my house via Discord. Even right now as I type I hear their voices coming from the other room loud and clear. Sometimes I get paranoid if they are eavesdropping on everything going on inside my own home. But luckily, there's a feature for that -- Push To Talk. They use it while playing together on Steam, etc. I doubt you old men will use it in the same way, though. For ex: I couldn't imagine Iho being super pumped about voice / video chat. I could imagine some trolls here abusing it like Chatroulette with certain annoying or X-rated images. But what do I know. I'm just an irrelevant "old" person who had to get a tutorial on it from my own kid... probably not unlike other TI members, though. It seems like it would be most popular among gamers, millennials, or generally bored people with almost no responsibilities in life & loads of free time.
SoCal said:
I feel like I have 4 kids because his 2 best friends are constantly "present" in my house via Discord. Even right now as I type I hear their voices coming from the other room loud and clear.
I bet that's how the other parents feel too.  It takes a village.
daedalus said:
I bet that's how the other parents feel too.  It takes a village.

Actually, it just takes the deafen feature. I don't make mine use it. Others may, on their end, if they so choose.